I raised once the following topic but it was my very first post and, not being familiar with the etiquette, I hijacked one of Blondie's threads. Apart from the fact that doing so was inappropriate, I thought that it can provide matter for a thread of its own. Here it is :
We find in the jan 1st 2007 WT issue a Question from readers article which deals with the (so called) initial and final sealing of the anointed ones. The WTS has contrived these notions whereby the anointed people in the past got an initial sealing from the Holy Spirit at some stage in their lifetime and, afterward, got a final sealing just before their death, after they successfully went over plenty of trials. Now, we find in the article that the remaining remnant, i.e. those who will eyewitness the GT, are treated differently and much more softly since they will get their definitive sealing BEFORE the beginning of the GT and therefore, before they will have undergone any serious trial.
The point of this thread is not to give an appreciation on whether these sealings exist or not or, supposing they exist, if they are justified, but to point out that it looks as if these members of the remaining remnant, in the system they have set up, try to secure for themselves a snug salvation and heavenly reward without experiencing much trouble, whereas anointed JWs in past days were required, if necessary, to give away their lifes to prove their faithfulness. One can't but be puzzled by such a discrimination within the JW theological construction.