Ok I seriously need to drop this baby weight. Help! Has anyone had good results from any of the three weight loss companies listed in my subject title? I was thinking Nutra -system but wondered how the food was. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am starting a weekly workout plan also ,so we will see how that goes. I guess I should stop using my workout machine to hold my clothes. LOL. So if anyone has tried any of these companies I would really like to know what you liked and disliked about them . Thanks!
Nutra -System ? Jenny Craig? Weight Watchers?????
by annalice 6 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
I did Nutrisystem for about 6 months. dropped 20 lbs. Went off it and went back to my "caveman " way of eating. 5 lbs off more so far. I expect another 20 to go before I hit my ideal weight. On Nutrisystem do not order the salad mixes. The mash potatoes taste like the packaging. The egg meals are the worst. If u want to PM me I can give u more detail
I'm a nutritional conservative. The last time I went on a diet (successfully) was on Weight Watchers, twenty years ago. I achieved an ideal weight. Over the years though, I've put it all back on, one pound at a time.
I've had to improve my diet quite a bit in the last few years, as I have been diagnosed glucose intolerant. I diarized all I ate for a few months, and consulted with a nutritionist. My diet improved, but my weight refused to budge.
This year, I made a firm resolution to do something. The health effects of being overweight, I just don't want to live with that the rest of my life. Nevertheless, I didn't start to lose serious weight until I joined Weight Watchers when I returned from holidays. I'm happy to report that in the last four weeks, I've lost six pounds. I am much more energized and I've lost a full inch off my waist. What's the difference? I'm don't think it's the food. I think it is being part of a supportive group that keeps reminding me of my goals that finally made the difference. That, and admitting to my blind spots.
My sister, a family doctor, says that buying foods from a company like Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig work well if you are single and cook for yourself. If you are cooking for your family, though, it gets too expensive and it is too tempting. You end up preparing twice; once for yourself and then for your family. It's too darn tempting.
You can choose from two plans at Weight Watchers now, the familiar points system and the new Core plan. I already know how to portion out a plate so I opted for the Core plan, which has a short list of approved foods. If you do go the route of Core, be prepared to do some major shopping to get yourself started. Make sure you have loads of fresh vegetables and fruits at home, plain popcorn, soups, and whole-wheat grains. This plan is working for me, as I do enjoy putting together meals. My new habit at lunch is soup and salad. I've adopted a trick from Blondie's husband, Irreverent by chopping all my vegetables in the morning. That way, when I come home tired, I won't skip the salad. A big sealed bowl of popcorn sits on my kitchen table if a craving hits. I'm succeeding, and it feels wonderful.
I tried WW...It was working, then we moved and I went off and it's not working now...LOL! I am going to go back on it though. If you have time to go to a meeting a week and do well with having accountability, it is a good program. I liked seeing others at the meeting that were successful...and feeling like we were all in the same boat....having to avoid temptations, ect. They would give good ideas about what to eat and how to keep on track. They focus a-lot on portion control...so you can eat everything anyone else eats if it is "worth it" to you.
I wish you success!!
I spend lots of time talking with obese and formerly obese folks. The consensus is that Weight Watchers does the best job of teaching new eating habits. The provided food plans are okay if you already know good nutrition and usually apply it. But they are in business to sell food, not to keep you from needing to buy it again and again. That said, if Seattle Sutton is available in your area, I understand their food is the tastiest.
I would still say WW has the best support and teaching plan. Many hospitals and health groups also offer nutritional support, and insurance can cover it.
PM me with any questions, it really is a subject I can help with. Good luck!
I'd say go with Weight Watchers. Granted, I lost 25 pounds 30 years ago and gained it all back over the years plus some, but that's my fault.
I started again in February of this year and have dropped 27 pounds. It's been slow, partly because of my age, and partly because I didn't want to lose too fast. I intend to keep this weight off forever. They do a great job of helping us change our way of thinking about food, they put a lot of emphasis on exercise, and just being patient with ourselves. Also after 16 visits and once you've reached your goal, the meetings are free. I think it's important to stay with the meetings, if not every week, then every couple of weeks.
I also read in the book, "The Secret", that we need to not think so much about losing weight. We need to visualize ourselves at the "perfect weight." I've been doing that for quite awhile and that really helps. My visualization is that I can go to my closet, take anything off the rack, and KNOW that it will neither be too loose nor too tight.
Good luck!
Another vote for Weight Watchers.
It's been the only thing that has ever worked for me. And yes, I have been on and off over the years, depression can pull you down into that hole of "fine, life sucks, I'll just eat".
I started going to meetings again last week. I had been doing it online and lost 13 pounds in 5 weeks but the stress hit me again and I fell into a slump.
I'm really looking forward the support you can find at the meetings. It makes a huge difference.
I'm a computer nut so I like using the online tools. I count all my "points" (a formula they use to calculate calories/fat/fiber) online. I like being able to look up the food and put it in for the day before I eat. Changes me from eating first and THEN figuring it all out to being responsible for every bite I put in my mouth.
I tried Jenny Craig but didn't like all the premade food. I cook dinner almost every night and it is easier for me to modify my portions and serve my family the same food they are used to eating.
Good luck (I always love saying that) on whichever program you choose. It can be done!!