I am living about 70 miles from the town I grew up in. I recently found out that an old JW friend lives here too. His sister used to be a good friend of mine.(His dad an elder. He was an ok one) I have heard rumors (long ago) about her and am curious about how she is now, where she is now. He is still a JW(well he said hi to my mom last summer at big assembly), probably running the local show by now. He was a very kind human being, I liked him a lot (not like that, I had a crush on his best friend). I know what I am to JWs. Well, sort of-an opposer? Apostate type opposer? Never baptised, so I am not sure how I will be received. Last that I know of, the cong. knew I was studying when I lived in NJ, and I don't know if they knew what a commotion I caused when I left there. (Ahem)
So, I am not wanting to have a theological discussion at this point, I really want to connect though and don't know how to approach him. The only other (unrelated) JW I have seen recently (a couple) the wife hugged me and loved on me, the husband looked coldly on. I have known them since I was in diapers. But they know EXACTLY my status since my mom brought them in the org. and they were close back when I left for good. Jack is an unknown quantity to me.
The thing is, I know I might be tempted to discuss religious issues with him if he started it. And he likely would if he is a good JW, right? I am absolutely unprepared to do so. I am in a confusing place spiritually. Somewhere between agnostic and atheist. I really don't want to give him any JW ammo about what leaving the org. does to a person.
OTOH, I am married for 16 years nearly with 3 kids and a dog in a nice house. I don't drink, smoke, cheat, lie on my taxes or anything that would cause my scriptural rejection-other than questioning Christ!
Should I look him up? I would really like news of Francie (his sister). I do know where he lives, and I can call him, but right now I feel like kind of a creepy stalker since I know where he is and I haven't said anything. (I just confirmed my mom's info from the assembly about where he lived)
If you live in WA and know who I am talking about, and are on this board, I hope you will contact me.