Should I look up old JW friend in my new town?

by JWdaughter 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    I am living about 70 miles from the town I grew up in. I recently found out that an old JW friend lives here too. His sister used to be a good friend of mine.(His dad an elder. He was an ok one) I have heard rumors (long ago) about her and am curious about how she is now, where she is now. He is still a JW(well he said hi to my mom last summer at big assembly), probably running the local show by now. He was a very kind human being, I liked him a lot (not like that, I had a crush on his best friend). I know what I am to JWs. Well, sort of-an opposer? Apostate type opposer? Never baptised, so I am not sure how I will be received. Last that I know of, the cong. knew I was studying when I lived in NJ, and I don't know if they knew what a commotion I caused when I left there. (Ahem)

    So, I am not wanting to have a theological discussion at this point, I really want to connect though and don't know how to approach him. The only other (unrelated) JW I have seen recently (a couple) the wife hugged me and loved on me, the husband looked coldly on. I have known them since I was in diapers. But they know EXACTLY my status since my mom brought them in the org. and they were close back when I left for good. Jack is an unknown quantity to me.

    The thing is, I know I might be tempted to discuss religious issues with him if he started it. And he likely would if he is a good JW, right? I am absolutely unprepared to do so. I am in a confusing place spiritually. Somewhere between agnostic and atheist. I really don't want to give him any JW ammo about what leaving the org. does to a person.

    OTOH, I am married for 16 years nearly with 3 kids and a dog in a nice house. I don't drink, smoke, cheat, lie on my taxes or anything that would cause my scriptural rejection-other than questioning Christ!

    Should I look him up? I would really like news of Francie (his sister). I do know where he lives, and I can call him, but right now I feel like kind of a creepy stalker since I know where he is and I haven't said anything. (I just confirmed my mom's info from the assembly about where he lived)

    If you live in WA and know who I am talking about, and are on this board, I hope you will contact me.


    Go for it. It's the only way that you'll know if he's no longer a JW. I do it all the time.


  • AudeSapere

    I would make contact. Inquire about his sister and avoid all religious discussion - at least for now.

    First get the info you need and want. Take care of the real human interests and then, if you want to later on, discuss the theological ones.

    My $0.02.


  • Gopher

    Dp what you feel is right. If there are religious rules that they feel restrict them, then the choice is on them as to whether to associate with an inactive friend.

  • JWdaughter

    He is definitely a JW, my mom saw him at recent assembly at the Tacoma Dome. I don't know if his heart is in it, or if he is marking time like many here. He was always smart, and I am fairly sure he isn't a janitor now! I have no idea where Francie is, last I knew she had married a military guy but then came back in the org.


    If you were never baptized, no problem. As long as you aren't considered DF, you'll be ok.


  • JWdaughter

    I was dis-associated, back in the days when it meant something, I think:) I was 15. I have no idea what they thought of me since I had left. . .and didn't hang out to see the impact:)

  • worldtraveller

    I can't believe you would even consider revisiting the past. Unless something has changed (very unlikely) , like the friend, why would you expect anything different? You will be treated like all others here. I vote- HELL NO!!!

  • JWdaughter

    This is not revisiting the JW past, this is visiting MY past. A part of my past that I have fond memories of. I also went to my 20 year class reunion. I was interested in knowing what happened to people I cared about at one time. I still am. The fact that they are JW is a side issue, but because they are JW, and I was DA'd, I have to consider that part.

    Tomorrow I think I will call and say howdy, how's Francie and your folks-Do you have any kids, what do you do for a living? I will see how my old crush is doing and say see you round town. And if he wants to get into religion, I'll say-when you come knocking, we can chat!

    Thanks everyone! I will let you know how it goes.

  • lisavegas420
    Tomorrow I think I will call and say howdy

    Tomorrow? what about now?

    Oh...Ok..I'll check back tomorrow.

    there is a few people that I'd like to call and just say hello to and see how they are and where they are in their lives.


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