Here's a Question From Readers that we'll never see:
Q: Given that Fred Franz was the WTBTS chief theologian for over sixty years until his death back in 1992 and that since then just about everything he taught including just about all of his chronological fantasy has been discarded, how do you explain the following:
1) If he's ruling in heaven along with a good chunk of the 144,000 FDS class, how come he's allowed his life work to be tossed in the trash? (The same could be asked of all of the deceased WTBTS presidents.)
2) Presumably, Freddie was shown that his writings were loaded with error -- how do you think he reacted to reproof? (Consider that he had never had a sense of humility during his Earthly stay.)
3) How is Freddie channeling his wisdom to God's Only True Channel today? Dreams? Visions? Fortune cookies? Graffiti in the Brooklyn restrooms?
4) Does Freddie have his own room, just like the old days? You know, when everyone else had to (and still has to) put up with a roommate?
5) Is it possible that Freddie has since gotten the real truth, (up close and eternally), that the dozen of references to a literal hell are actually correct? I ask this only as it would explain quite a bit.
Freddie Franz in the Afterlife
by Skimmer 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think if Jehovah and heaven were real, and Freddie was up there, he'd probaby be arguing with Jehovah over his pet issues, like why didn't he bring the end back in 1975 within th generation, and why must his earthly organization have a Governing Body when things worked fine the other way!
I think the best "reward" for Freddie would be to make him listen to recordings of his long, boring and meandering talks over and over.
I think the best reward for Fred Franz would be to have to watch his nephew Raymond live to be about 150 in perfect health, and then having Raymond being put in a position to counsel Fred.
Skimmer, I'm going to go with # 5.
I bet Freddie will never need a jacket where his eternal home is located.
Clayton J. Woodworth and Thomas Sullivan were asked similar questions about the recently deceased Rutherford in the Moyle trial. I forgot who said what, but one said "It is my fondest wish" that Rutherford has been resurrected and is currently ruling in heaven, but whether he is actively directing the organization in the afterlife, "that would be silly".