I havn't watched the show...and I've generally been a skeptic of these types of things, and ghosts, etc...until recently.
At the risk of sounding like a nutter, I will share a little about my experience, which, unless I had experienced it myself, i wouldn't believe.
Recently, someone very close to me died. It was rather sudden, yet expected, due to the situation of it being a late diagnosed disease that left then hospitalized for the last weeks of their life. I was one of the few people who basically lived at the hospital with them to the end, and thus was there when they died.
Numerous things have occurred since the time of death that have changed my mind. Nothing scary. Really, it has been more comforting. And the experiences have been had by multiple people, including myself, who were the closest to this person.
Individually, each occurrence would have been attributed to coincidence. However, the sheer number is undeniable. This person seems to be communicating still with her loved ones. Children, parents, close friends and family have all had experiences, some occurring when several such people were together. It's been fascinating.