Do you feel that the Watchtower Society is influencing the minds of Jehovah's Witnesses in a manner that brings Glory to God?
Mind Warping
by Honesty 6 Replies latest watchtower medical
I believe it's just the opposite. Fear, guilt, repression, and isolation are not from the God of freedom.
well once i started to get out i started to see that a lot of people in the tower was mistaking arrogance for the holy spirit.I think most of it comes from an inflated ego that believes your better than everyone else.I remember earlier this year meeting at home with an elder and another member for shepperding and to encourage me back the advice was " read the watchtower mags" "watch the videos".No encouragement to read the bible at all.In fact last time i was at a meeting in the book study at the end the elder turned to me and in conversation said " its not like years ago, they actually used to study the bible years ago, now we just have the magazines and books to follow".Funny enough i recently reminded the elder of his comment and its amazing, he couldnt remember saying it to me.
No! The WTBS's motto is "to thine self be true".
I think the only way we bring glory to God is when we do it our own personal way for Him.
The way they got them to relate to God couldn't have been worse since it is based on fear and it can never make for a healthy relationship between man and God. They fear God whereas only those freely relating to him can really respect and glorify him.
Since the WTS positions themselves between their believers and the "Jehovah" of the Bible, everything they say about "Jehovah" really means the organization.
"Jehovah would be pleased..." = the organization / leaders would be pleased
"Serve Jehovah" = serve the organization / leaders
"Try Jehovah's spirit " = get the organization / leaders upset
The judicial committees are intended to set people straight with or set them apart from the ORGANIZATION. If a sin isn't known by many outsiders or insiders, and so won't hurt the organization, a person could get off with about being disfellowshipped.
The whole JW mindset is focused on the organization. Only in their imagination does it have anything to do with anyone from the invisible realm.