I've never been a JW. If I got a wild hair and decided to go to something other than a "public talk," what would happen? Would they allow someone to sit in on one of their sales meetings? (I don't know what they're called, the ones where they teach people how to do the door-to-door spiel.)
Can a non-JW go to a non-public function?
by RebelWife 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My jw says no, you would have to be invited as it is in someones home, convenient huh? Another way to keep the public at bay during the cultish talks. There is no reason the kh couldn't be used for the meetings as far as I can see. Even with a double cong the hall is sitting pretty much empty most of the week nights isn't it?
Are you talking about the other meetings like the service meeting/theocratic ministry school and the Book Study? Sure, they would be more then happy to have you! They'll get you wherever they can.LOL
The "Public Talk" is supposidly geared towards the interests of the general public. That does not mean or even imply that the other meetings are not open to the public. They are all open to the "public".
Do you still want to go????
Regular meetings during the week? Sure.
Do you want to blend in? Wear a conservative dress, nylons, and conservative heels. Cover the tattoos.
Do you want to stand out? Wear pants, spiked heels, show off the cleavage, and spike the hair.
My favorite accessory to these things is a blank notebook and a pencil. I have the freedom, then, to let my mind wander where it will.
As for social gatherings such as BBQ's, potlucks, and the like, you have to be invited.
I have a sneaking suspicion, RebelWife and Carla, that your husbands are afraid to show you off. First of all, because it will be blatantly obvious that they do not have control of their household, and also that you are a lot sweeter than he has let on to the congregation. The day I walked in to my first meeting at the hall (without warning my husband) and sat down with him was the best thing I ever did. He could no longer compartmentalize me. Now, the congregation is mightily confused. I look like a nice enough lady, polite and all that, but I determinedly avoid all attempts at solicitation. I also tell them point-blank that my Christian affiliation is none of their business.
Hubby is not going yet. I was just wondering whether they would try to discourage a lone person from any of their functions, if they think any function is too cultish or weird to let outsiders in. Right now, Mr. Rebel is excited about Halloween, so I don't think he'll be going to meetings any time soon. (Unless he feels guilty about the Halloween party AND our life gets crazier. He weathered the last crazy patch pretty well. I was impressed.)
My jw says no
why on earth would he say that.
all the meetings at the kh are open to the public...as are weddings and funerals..
and you can wear what you like....no-one will care.
but you can't go and be disruptive..or they will ask you to leave...and call the authorities if you don't
Mrs. Witness
Carla, I love the way you call your hubby "my JW". I'm going to steal it.
MY JW has warned everyone that I'm staunchly against any solicitation, but I have been invited to book studies and attended graduation parties and a baby shower (another topic...why is it OK to celebrate the "first" birthday with a baby shower but forget the child every year after that?...and, why do all JW's know their birthdays, their children's birthdays, and their parents' birthdays if birthdays are no big deal?).
Back on topic...we recently attended a funeral for the father of a man in my JW's congo. The man and his wife are really sweet. My older daughter & I both wore pants and I told her to look around the hall to see how many other women were wearing pants. She laughed when she realized it was just us two. I also saw a man with a pony-tail and a beard. I leaned over to my JW and said "he's someone's husband, right?". It's really easy to spot the UBM's at these functions!
Go to a meeting or two. It will reinforce for you that what you read here is true. Unfortunately, it will also scare you some. Sheep-like behavior is scary to me.
Mrs. Witness
My jw says no, you would have to be invited as it is in someones home, convenient huh?
There is a BS at the KH, as well as individual's homes. ALL are welcome at the KH, no matter which meeting and/or function (weddings and funerals) is being held.