reexamine, etc. -- where is it now?

by Fatfreek 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fatfreek

    I understand that was somehow based in Malaysia or some such place -- far out of the reach (at least, I thought) of WT legal tentacles.

    It seems, however, the last few times it's been down "for repairs". Is that some code for "we've been shut down"?


  • kwintestal
    Is that some code for "we've been shut down"?

    Yes and no. Here's the condensed version of what happened over a period of a year or so.

    About a year and a half ago, recieved a letter from the Watchtower Association Malaysia demanding that the site stop hosting copyright protected material immediately. The individial who ran was previously assured by the hosting company that anything could be hosted on the space provided however the hosting company was not expecting the copyright owner to have a Malaysian office and to use the Malaysian law to shut the website down. So after getting a letter from a Malaysian courts, the web host had no choice to remove the website.

    The owner of faught with the web hosting company and after a month of being shut down had the site back up and running, but under the promise that copyright protected material would be removed. The intention was to relocate the hosting to a non-JW friendly country however the storage and bandwidth requirements for the site made hosting elsewhere extremely expensive. At the end of it's life, was using about 15 gigs of storage and about 500 gig of bandwidth every month. Hosting with the previous company cost about $200 USD per year, moving the site would have cost the person operating a lot more then that.

    After looking in the Middle East, China, Russia, Sealand and elsewhere, the person opperating gave up and allowed the hosting to expire, retiring the website.


  • AnnOMaly

    Dammit! There has to be a way round this, a loophole somewhere!

    (Oh and happy b'day Kwin)

  • inbyathread

    It is too bad that the tenticles of the borg are far reaching. Thats not so bad though. Just think how many people downloaded the website and are using the material in their own 'special' way. My thanks to Reexamine. You accomplished much.

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