Unheard conversations in the Head Cafe.

by nicolaou 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Nic': You love Jehovah God don't you Mum?

    Mum: Of course I do, you know that.

    Nic: Will you still love Him when he kills me?

    Mum: What?!

    Nic: When Armageddon comes and He kills me, will you still love him?

    Mum: Nic' don't be silly, you know it's not like that. Jehovah doesn't want you to die he's giving you every chance to come back.

    Nic: But I'm not coming back Mum, ever! So that means He's going to kill me right? He's going to kill my kids, my brother his kids and Dad as well. So will you still love Jehovah when he's killed half your family Mum? Will you still love Him when all your grandchildren have been 'destroyed'?

    Mum: What are you doing? Why are you talking like that? You're being so cruel.

    Nic: Me?! I'm being cruel Mum?! Don't you think Jehovah is a bit cruel to kill the people you love just because they think a bit differently.

    Mum: But they don't have to die! They only have to be obedient and they can survive to the New System and live in paradise!

    Nic: Mum, if I disobey you would you want me dead?

    Mum: That's enough, I don't want to talk about this anymore, you're just being bitter.

    Nic: . . . . . I love you Mum


    No rhyme or reason for their logic. It's so ridiculous and it can even take a kid to bring it to the attention of all.


  • megsmomma

    Don't you just want to SCREAM "USE YOUR BRAIN!!! THINK!!!!!!!!!!"

  • nicolaou

    Sadly, 'thinking' has nothing to do with it. These automatic responses seem to de-humanize my Mum before my eyes. She's like my 'Stepford' Mum.

  • ninja

    nic....sounds just like my mrs......except when she annoys me....I chain her in the dungeon and get her to listen to her mum endlessly speaking on the phone.......gives me a bit of closure....muhahahaha

  • carla

    My jw maintains that nooobody knows for sure and jw's don't want anybody killed. Somehow he's got himself deluded that those he loves will somehow make it into the new system with him. Guess if he works hard enough for all of us? Problem is, I don't wanna be there with a bunch of jw's. What then?

  • jaguarbass

    Good post!

  • Gopher

    Nicolau, your reasoning only takes the JW doctrines to their logical conclusion. It makes it VERY personal to a JW.

    However, the WTS has grabbed hold of their conscience and made it "Watchtower trained" to not allow any diversity of thought, and has grabbed hold of their heart and turned it to stone.

    The WTS thus has become their new family, and we're on the outside (but not gnashing our teeth).

  • nicolaou
    we're on the outside (but not gnashing our teeth)

    Oh I don't know Gopher, sometimes I gnash pretty hard.

    To be clear, I wanted to air those conversations we have in our heads with friends and family who are still trapped in the Watchtower. It's often pointless to even attempt these conversations in real life but I just may give this one a shot with my Mum.


  • Dansk

    And to think we were all like Nic's mum at one time......................................

    Hope to see you in December, Nic!


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