does anybody have these quotes handy? There have been quite a few of these the past few years. i don't have the cd-rom on my computer at the moment (just reformatted it). Thanks
articles that say JWs should not debate on the internet
by drew sagan 9 Replies latest jw friends
As I recall this was among the first , an insert to KM .
km 11/99 p. 3 pars. 5-6 Use of the Internet—Be Alert to the Dangers! *
. (Ps. 119:37) In addition to these dangers, there is a more insidious danger that Jehovah’s Witnesses in particular need to be on guard against. What is this danger?
Would you invite a stranger into your home without first finding out who he is? What if there was no way to find out? Would you allow such a stranger to be alone with your children? This is an indisputable possibility on the Internet.*** km 11/99 p. 3 pars. 8-9 Use of the Internet—Be Alert to the Dangers! **
*Information passed on to you may come in the form of experiences or comments about our beliefs. This information is passed on to others who, in turn, pass it on to still others. The information is generally not verifiable and may be untrue. The comments may be a cover for spreading apostate reasoning.—2 Thess. 2:1-3."
With this danger in mind, if you use the Internet, ask yourself: ‘What do I use it for? Is there a possibility that I could be harmed spiritually by how I am using it? Could I be contributing to the spiritual injury of others?’ -
drew sagan
there was one article that specifically stated that JWs should not debate with others on the net and that the official Watchtower webpage is the only web presence that is acceptable.
drew sagan
hey i know there are some of you out there that can help me out with this!!!
Well... there's the September 2007 kingdom ministry question box, saying that they didn't "endorse any websites" other than those "produced or organized under its [the FDS's] oversight.", but it didn't specifically mention debating.
Dead Man Joaquin
You're right. Can't remember the date, but a recent KM stated very clearly that there was "no need" for any individual JWs to prepare a website regarding their beliefs and that the official Watchtower website was sufficient. Sad, really... they've alienated probably the last capable apologist they had (Greg Stafford) and make virtually no attempt at apologeticism themselves. Just keep repeating the mantra of the dangers of the Internet.
drew sagan
I know Dead Man Joaquin! Somebody has to know where that is!
There was a 7 point resolution at last year's District Convention that mentioned us all agreeing not go go on internet chat sites because of the danger of us being exposed to apostate ideas. I can't remember the wording, but I think I probably mumbled an "aye" when asked to. Typical of me then, going along with things because it's what's expected.
km 11/97 p. 3 Good News on the Internet***Good
News on the InternetIn our technological age, some people obtain information from electronic sources, including the Internet. So the Society has put on the Internet some accurate information about the beliefs and activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Our Internet Web site has the address and contains a selection of tracts, brochures, and Watchtower and Awake! articles in English, Chinese (Simplified), German, Russian, and Spanish, as well as in other languages. The publications on this Web site are already available through the congregations and are in use in the ministry. The purpose of our Web site is, not to release new publications, but to make information available to the public in electronic format. There is no need for any individual to prepare Internet pages about Jehovah’s Witnesses, our activities, or our beliefs. Our official site presents accurate information for any who want it.
Although our site has no provision for electronic messages (E-mail), it lists postal addresses of branches around the globe. Thus people can write to obtain more information or to receive personal assistance from Witnesses locally. Feel free to share the above Internet address with any who might be inclined to begin learning Bible truth from this format.
I found this, but it's not specifically about arguing or debating.
*** g97 7/22 p. 11 The Internet—Why Be Cautious? ***
Some discussion groups debate religious or controversial matters. Be careful about posting comments to such discussions; likely your E-mail address and name will be broadcast to all in the group. This often results in time-consuming and unwanted correspondence. Indeed, there are some newsgroups that are unfit to read, let alone interact with.
What about creating a discussion group, or newsgroup, for fellow Christians? This may present greater problems and dangers than initially expected. For example, individuals with ulterior motives have been known to misrepresent themselves on the Internet. Currently, the Internet itself does not enable individuals appearing on it to confirm identities. Furthermore, such a group can be compared in some ways to a large, ongoing social gathering, taxing the time and ability of its host to provide necessary and responsible supervision.—Compare Proverbs 27:12.