A Dropout Epidemic Threatens America Can We Reclaim our Kids' Future in Time? Did you know that almost one third of our public high school students fail to graduate? Young Americans who drop out of school have little hope for a decent future. Without a high school diploma, they're far more likely than their peers to be unemployed, live in poverty, suffer from poor health, become dependent on social services, and go to jail. Half of all prison inmates are dropouts. Can we turn around this tragic waste of young lives with the right help at the right time? It’s a new book just released: “The Last Dropout, Stop the Epidemic” I guess that book will be my next investment...sounds interesting. LINDA
I was one. Were you?
by REBORNAGAIN 7 Replies latest jw friends
half of all inmates were dropouts?...that means half werent........glass half full ninja
John Doe
I was a 10th grade dropout.
I dropped out when I became a Jw now I have left and am sorted - nearly Sound familiar?
Regards David
My Mother actually made me leave half-way through the 10th grade because a "worldly" boy liked me and kept calling the house. I liked him too and she just freaked out.
She has since apologized, but it totally screwed any chance of me getting that scholarship I was working on.
I got my GED later, but I am still somewhat bitter about the whole episode.
She also took all of the poetry that I had written from the time I was 9 yrs old (30 notebooks full) and burned it because the elders told her it was inspired by demons. That, I will never get over.
Yeah, me too.
In my family, the opinion was that boys needed a HS diploma to be able to support their families.
But for girls it was just a waste of time, that should be spent out in field service.
Plus it was 1975, when I was legally of age to drop out, so going to school was seen as "storing up treasures" on earth.
I got my GED at 35 when I left the org.
I almost dropped out, my mom definately tried to "encourage me to"! But just like everything else, if she said don't, I made sure I did!
I too dropped out of high school. They went on strike in 86' and I didn't go back. Now it was like I had to start all over again, but I did it with the support of my lovely wife, I graduated in 2000 and now my work is paying for the rest of my education. The inspiring minds of the ones that care for us the most are the ones that know us best. Accomplishment are made if we have a positive mental attitude. Thanks BB.