Anybody in Quebec want to meet a Governing Body member this Sat.?

by marmot 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • marmot

    David Splane will be giving the dedication talk for the new St-Georges kingdom hall. My parents were going to go but that got sidelined by a funeral happening at the same time.

    My parents used to pioneer there with brother Splane before he received the "heavenly calling" (I wonder if you can buy one of those in the hunting section at Wal-mart, next to the duck calls?) and got inducted into the even more exclusive ol' boys club in Brooklyn.

    I've only met him once, when visiting Bethel, so I don't know what he's like but apparently he taught my Dad how to make boilermakers.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Type: Beer cocktail
    Primary alcohol by volume:

    * Beer

    Served: "Neat"; undiluted and without ice (see also straight up)
    Standard drinkware: A pub glass and a shot glass.
    Commonly used ingredients:

    * Pint of beer (~13 parts)
    * One shot (1 part) spirit:
    o Whiskey
    o Rye
    o Tequila
    o Vodka

    Preparation: Usually served separately

    A Boilermaker is a beer cocktail consisting of a shot of whiskey, tequila, or vodka, and a glass of beer (therefore sometimes also called simply a shot and a beer). Traditionally, the shot and the beer are served separately, although they may also be mixed before by the preparer.


    There are various techniques for consuming a boilermaker:

    * Classically, the liquor is drunk in one gulp and chased immediately by the beer.
    * The two may be mixed by pouring or dropping the shot into the beer. Stirring is at the discretion of the drinker. This technique is called a sidecar.
    * The liquor can be poured directly into an open beer can with some beer removed ahead of time.
    * A shot glass of the liquor may be dropped into the beer from the surface just before drinking, glass and all - this technique is referred to as a depth charge in some circles. Upon the shot glass striking the bottom of the mug, the carbonation in the beer begins to fizz violently, requiring the drinker to immediately consume the entire drink, either leaving the shot glass in the mug, or grasping it with the lips when setting down the mug.

    Bartending guides differ on the preferred technique, but all agree that speed is the essence of this drink: one generally aims to drink a boilermaker quickly.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was in MTL when he was CO

    I think I will pass

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    marmot, do you know someone named Peter in Quebec?

    Oh, and I'm with Lady Lee - I'll pass this time around.

  • Satanus

    "heavenly calling"

    Yes, i'm sure that that is in the hunting section. The ammunition is sold separately. I'm bad.


  • Anti-Christ
    marmot, do you know someone named Peter in Quebec?

    Maybe a little late to answer but I do.

  • primitivegenius

    heaven called......... they want their idiot back

  • Inquisitor

    And here I was thinking that a Governing Body member was asking for a blind date...on JWD of all places!


  • mouthy

    I was in MTL when he was CO ME TOO!!! He is a nice guy pity he has blinders on....I will pass also Unless he would like to make a back call on me I would be very happy

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