I just saw an awesome video on You Tube! A funny spoof of the typical door to door experience with JWs from the householder's perspective.
This bold and funny gal (exjw) created an educational video exposing some of the weird ideas the witnesses promote.
I think it is meant to be humorous and fun with its exaggerated characters.
Check it out on you tube by typing "Jehovahs Witnesses Meet The Truth Fairy"
Jehovah's Witnesses Meet The Truth Fairy!
by anewme 8 Replies latest jw friends
I'll have to take a look just the title of this thread made me LMAO!
Yeah that's Brenda Lee. She has a regular newsletter that she sends out to subscribers. She also wrote a book that has helped lots of people. She is a very pleasant, well written woman. She also made a video and posted it on YouTube of her and some friends going to a Memorial at a Kingdom Hall where she made an effort to be seen eating the unleavened bread and drinking the wine. I think that was in poor taste and showed a bit of immaturity on her part.
I saw the Memorial Spoof as well and thought it was funny. She has a different sense of humor born I believe from her years of extreme frustration in the Society. Her book "Out of the Cocoon" tells the story of her struggle.
What I thought was funny about the Memorial video was that now the Society claims that the heavenly calling is not limited to 144,000 or something? Or that the list has not been filled? This allows for some on the governing body to claim anointing etc. But it certainly answers the questions many of us had about why the number of anointed ones keeps growing and not diminishing as it should if their "truth" was in fact truth.
Their Answer: NEW LIGHT
When in truth its just: OLD TRICKS AND COVER UP LIES
Im sure Brenda's videos will protect many non witnesses from recruitment into the org. and that may be her goal.
The Society can stand a little teasing for all its done to us I feel. -
Absolutely deserving of an award!
If you are having trouble finding the video, The exact title
is: "Jehovah's Witnesses Encounter Truth Fairy". I'm not sure this video is entirely fair... every witness I know would readily admit that the cross was once used as a symbol. It's in the PROCLAIMERS book for goodness sake. When encountered at the door with this objection, no JW well-read in their own literature would claim it was an "apostate lie" that the cross was used. The shunning thing... Well, I guess some witnesses might be dense enough to deny that disfellowshiping = shunning, but when pressed, I think they would admit they are effectively the same, and agree that "not talking" to a DF is Org policy, not a personal choice. The video makes some very valid points, and even a few funny ones, but overall, I find the video slightly bitter and uninformed, with an unpleasant aftertaste of the pedantic and preachy. I LIKE parody. I think the absurdity of Witness thought and behavior is a rich well of mostly untapped humor, and I very much enjoy a well done and witty expose of such absurdity and the underlying nasty ego required to be loyal witness... However, for parody to work, it has to be insightful. I guess living 25 years disconnected from the witnesses has left the maker of this video with only a tenuous grasp of the nuances of witness thought, and what is left is a caricature shell of lingering anger and injustice. I hope making this video made her feel better, becuase I sure don't. [ink] -
If you are having trouble finding the video, The exact title
is: "Jehovah's Witnesses Encounter Truth Fairy". I'm not sure this video is entirely fair... every witness I know would readily admit that the cross was once used as a symbol. It's in the PROCLAIMERS book for goodness sake. When encountered at the door with this objection, no JW well-read in their own literature would claim it was an "apostate lie" that the cross was used. The shunning thing... Well, I guess some witnesses might be dense enough to deny that disfellowshiping = shunning, but when pressed, I think they would admit they are effectively the same, and agree that "not talking" to a DF is Org policy, not a personal choice. The video makes some very valid points, and even a few funny ones, but overall, I find the video slightly bitter and uninformed, with an unpleasant aftertaste of the pedantic and preachy. I LIKE parody. I think the absurdity of Witness thought and behavior is a rich well of mostly untapped humor, and I very much enjoy a well done and witty expose of such absurdity and the underlying nasty ego required to be loyal witness... However, for parody to work, it has to be insightful. I guess living 25 years disconnected from the witnesses has left the maker of this video with only a tenuous grasp of the nuances of witness thought, and what is left is a caricature shell of lingering anger and injustice. I hope making this video made her feel better, becuase I sure don't.Yeah, I know what you mean. Perhaps it was intended to be one of those parodies that employs intentional exaggeration.
Brilliant Video!!!
I watched this with a critical eye, but I have to admit that Brenda nailed it. This is a hilarious characture of how JWs act at the door.
Thank you Brenda. Well produced. Keep this up!
And since no one else has posted it, here's the link. 'Jehovah's Witnesses' Encounter Truth Fairy...and Brenda Lee
Try making your own video! Im sure it is not easy.
I hope it did help Brenda to feel better and I appreciate the laugh it gave me as well.
We all need as much help as we can get to undo what that org has done to us.
Bravo Brenda! Keep working on the videos!