Having just read the 'Exciting announcements at the Service Meeting' topic i am one happy Apostate!
I wanted to see how you would put these changes into conversation while speaking to a Jehovah's Witness?
For example for myself' talking with my Mum recently, she told me that gifts like tongues, prophecy, healing etc have stopped and this was mainly because the ones doing these things were annointed ones.
Yes i accept this wouldn't stand as it is because actually, there are still annointed ones but why haven't we an outburst of different miracles now because hey, we are all potential annointed ones...i might start claiming to be a annointed to mum lol, tell her i left because i felt annointed but was forced to leave because doctrine taught otherwise...come next year OMG KARL IS ANNOINTED!!!
Will the Paradise on earth idea be pushed less and less until all have a heavenly hope?
Anyway thank-you for reading, FO SHIZZLES MA' NIZZLES