OMG what an experience. The last visit over a year ago went pretty uneventful. This time though......My mother-in-law started it. She told me I was the definition of evil. My kids (23&19) are living sinful lives because of my turning away from the "TRUTH" and of course I drug her son out. My husband said it will be a very long time before we go back to visit again.
Visited the in-laws this past weekend
by lv4fer 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Did your husban say anything to his mother and put her in her place about talking like that to his wife??
At least your hubby is on your side. That's a huge blessing. That's too bad about his parents though *sniff*
Just think of it this way.
She'll never forget you and what you stand for.
I know my way isn't always right... but can you see why I don't take crap off these fools anymore? As I said, my way isn't always right but I would of started quoting off my list of dumb shi# the fools (FADS) have said was given them from God's spirit... you know, the stuff from "God's mouthpiece" that shows what a hoax these fools are and always have been. Thank God you family is free from serving fools and can search the "truth" in their own way. Godspeed to you and your family-I wish you the best!
Same thing my in-laws said about me, but I think of the time I did in prison for the "truth", and how I was the one who had to council them to stop associating with their son who was in prison for rape and DF, I was told that Jesus himself could not tell them to stop..who is evil?
My husband wasn't there when she said that. I told him after we left. I didn't figure it would change anything if he said something to her. Only make future get togethers more difficult. I would hate for him to say something really mean to her and then something happen to her and then he might regret it. He is on my side though.
Someday yout M-inlaw may have to eat crow over those words. You can never predict when a JW will snap out of it and see the light.