I just read another one of OBVES posts. Hilarious. But, seriously. Has anyone ever heard of how several historical calendars end on the date December 21, 2012? The ancient Mayan calendar ends on this date as well as the ancient Jewish calendar and the Chinese I-Ching. (I think I spelled that right). I think maybe the Watchtower should use that as the date for Armageddon. It might get the attention of a few people.
December 21, 2012
by Dorktacular 6 Replies latest jw friends
Don't give them anymore ideas they have enough kooky ideas as it is.
I bought my watch in March 2007 and it has a five-year warranty.
So one day after my watch stops, time will stop. The world will end. I say sometime in March 2012.
At least, if the world doesn't end, they can say they weren't the only ones that believed it and save face.
But, seriously. JWs like to be different. They would never embrace something being taught by others.
bite me
A little birdy actually told me that they are using this date, they are going to keep everyone in suspense....
hey if that is the case though, I don't have to pay off my student loan!
I wish someone could hack into the WTS website and place that in their website somewhere! And to put stuff like "you must leave the watchtower society now"..
LOL just kidding.. kinda
Some feel it could be the end of once stage of existence and the begining of the new. Much how it is seen as the death of one year and start to another. I am very in to this date and think it is important. I have always studied history surrounding the ancients closely. Lots of hidden knowledge about the spirit.
Then came December 22, 2012 and embarrassed everyone that used Dec 21, 2012 as the predicted end time.