How Could the World Possibly End in 2012?

by WTWizard 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    No, this is not one of those threads where I pulled out some numbers out of the Bible. However, there is a possible way for the world to end in or around 2012.

    It does not involve God or the Bible. Instead, it involves the passage of Codex Alimentarius. This is a worldwide law governing the foods we eat. Freedom to take vitamins will be abolished, and all foods will have to be genetically modified and processed with growth hormones and antibiotics (if they get their way). The Web site has links to Codex and what it actually means to the world.

    Here is how this threatens the world. As we know, we are losing our bees. This is partly if not largely due to genetically modified crops poisoning their honey supplies. (There are other aggravating factors here, but I believe the genetically modified crops are making it worse for them). What happens when the whole world food supply is contaminated by genetically modified crops, and then something happens to wipe out the whole strain? Without genetically modified crops, if one strain goes bad, others will be able to fill in the gaps. But, if all crops are the same, we could conceivably lose it all.

    Possibly as bad, once nutrition is out of the picture, people are no longer going to have that option. Currently, if we are threatened with a cold or flu, we take vitamin C and echinacia to help ward it off. With more severe infections (H5N1, for instance), non-allopathic remedies are going to have to be used, alone or in conjunction with allopathic medicine. Under Codex, that will no longer be allowed. The severe infection now has the chance to spread globally like Spanish flu did, with deadlier results. This also holds true should regular infections that become resistant to antibiotics become common--the staff infection and VRE are two good examples, and there is a strain of TB that is resistant to all antibiotics in current use. While allopathic medicine scrambles to come up with new drugs, we need to have natural methods to keep these problems at bay. Codex effectively kills that off.

    No, I am not going to predict with certainty that this will happen. We might not sign onto Codex at all. Codex itself could be shot with so many loopholes that it is rendered useless or seen as a threat to the environment and outlawed. The infection(s) might not happen until long after 2012. Or, it could take much longer (say 2020 or 2030 or longer) for anything to happen. I hope, in fact, to see this thread with a reply of "Where Is Codex?" on Jan 2, 2010 after it's supposed to be effective in this country.

    What then? Effectively, no religion is going to save us from this kind of irresponsible rulership that destroys people and the environment. This is the sort of thing that held man back during the Dark Ages. Basically, there is nothing we can do short of getting independent information, writing the congress to urge them to support freedom, and living as usual. Belonging to an organization that's run by an individual or group is not the answer.

    P.S., I sure hope our freedom to practice any kind of medicine that we wish is protected. And, I hope the limitations placed on people by the Watchtower Society fall flat, since they are another group of people that suppress freedom. Let freedom ring--so this prophesy can go bust.

  • sspo

    Best for you to get up in the morning and enjoy life and creation and don't loose any sleep over it and stress yourself to death about what

    may never happen.

  • uwishufish

    according to my research you only have a 50% chance of dieing as 50% of all humans that have ever lived are alive now. Which means only 50% of us have died. So death has only an LD50. I hope you can follow my logic.

  • zack

    The world ended in 1914. Didn't you get the memo?

  • funkyderek


    Instead, it involves the passage of Codex Alimentarius. This is a worldwide law governing the foods we eat.

    No it isn't.

    Freedom to take vitamins will be abolished, and all foods will have to be genetically modified and processed with growth hormones and antibiotics (if they get their way).

    Utter nonsense!

    As we know, we are losing our bees.

    No we aren't.

    This is partly if not largely due to genetically modified crops poisoning their honey supplies.

    No it isn't.

    (There are other aggravating factors here, but I believe the genetically modified crops are making it worse for them)

    Why do you believe that? Any - dare I ask - evidence?

    Possibly as bad, once nutrition is out of the picture, people are no longer going to have that option. Currently, if we are threatened with a cold or flu, we take vitamin C and echinacia to help ward it off. With more severe infections (H5N1, for instance), non-allopathic remedies are going to have to be used, alone or in conjunction with allopathic medicine. Under Codex, that will no longer be allowed.

    What sort of bizarre dystopia do you imagine will have completely taken over in the next five years? Do you really think there's going to be a black market in lemon juice?

    The severe infection now has the chance to spread globally like Spanish flu did, with deadlier results.

    What infection? An untreated cold?

    This also holds true should regular infections that become resistant to antibiotics become common--the staff infection and VRE are two good examples, and there is a strain of TB that is resistant to all antibiotics in current use. While allopathic medicine scrambles to come up with new drugs, we need to have natural methods to keep these problems at bay.

    Right, what's the "natural method" of treating TB, exactly?

    No, I am not going to predict with certainty that this will happen.

    Good, because you don't seem to have much idea what's going on now.

    no religion is going to save us

    I'm quoting that out of context just so I can agree with something you wrote.

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