The WTS and the UN have more in common than most people care to know. Paradoxically, both have the same objectives. The WTS corporation is also affiliated with other organizations not congruous with its religious theology. The problem in understanding this anomally is a manifold psychological one. By this I mean that one either accepts that political history happens through blind, random events or through clandestine design, out of public scrutiny. There's the conspiratorial version of history and there's the conventional version: The latter is more palatable for most folk, and the former conjures up images of paranoid people. Nixon's Watergate and Clinton's Lewinsky are examples of the more benign forms of conspiracy. The overthrow of the royal house of Stuart by William of Orange was a malignant form of conspiracy because of the intrigues of the British parliament, the Pope of Rome and European finaciers. The unsanitized history of the WTS falls into the latter type of conspiracy. If I said I could tender evidences to support this claim, how high is the probability that people do not want to hear it? The other psychological difficulty in understanding is that jw's and xjws have been so conditioned to be preoccupied with 'straining out the gnats' in their lives that the 'camel' issues are welded onto the back-burner of their minds. "The Watchtower Society: A Zionist Conspiracy", is the investigator's theory. The physical evidences exist in two forms:(i) public information (ii) and hard evidences that several individuals, out of fear, will not yet release.
WTS and UN: Compatible Agencies
by FatJackMcCracken 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
""The Watchtower Society: A Zionist Conspiracy", is the investigator's theory. The physical evidences exist in two forms:(i) public information (ii) and hard evidences that several individuals, out of fear, will not yet release."
Please elaborate, if you can and/or if you will.
Do you, uh, yahoo?
sKally, happy trails!
...If I said I could tender evidences to support this claim, how high is the probability that people do not want to hear it?
Oh come on Fat, your post sounds like the following fictional post, ridiculous:
"I also have information that the Coca-Cola organization has promoted their most profitable product they push all over the world as the ‘The Real Thing’! However I have it under the highest anonymous authority that it most assuredly is NOT.
Contrary to popular belief, the knowledgeable few are convinced it’s simply brown colored fuzzy sugar water, and my does this organization make a bundle o’ bucks flogging this item.
I have secreted away under my socks and underwear drawer, evidence’ (which of course for good reason cannot be scrutinized nor independently verified) of this incredible conspiracy that is so ironclad, no one is, if you can believe it, willing to pay any attention when approached either.
For this fact alone…this obviously must be the Truth that will make you free for only a small bi-monthly publication contribution as well as mandatory five meetings per week discussion and fellowship …you know…to prove your loyalty and stuff among the nicest slightly anal retentive bunch of people you’ll ever meet."
PS sarcasm for those who didn't know.
Hey Fat Jack! Good to have you aboard. Ive been called a conspiracy nut here many times! But world history teaches us many things. Lets read it. Dino
Thanks Dino, Give me a day and I'll post it. In case I've confused some:- The source of my information, as the basis of my story, is twofold. Public records and private interviews. Of the latter, there are people in possession of physical evidence and others are eyewitnesses to certain events. Several expressed what I would describe as a fear of having certain information. Others confided in me. If I make this story public or hold it private, it's my choice. The files which hold my sources of information, names, dates, etc. will always be private and all the more so now that they have been physically destroyed. Do we understand these distinctions?
The scoffers and skeptics can sream their fool heads off, but there is enough information in public records and the files of other private researchers to validate much of what I claim. Other individuals would have had to run into this mountain of information: Someone will be 'The 100th Monkey'.(i.e.-a phenomenon: when enough people become aware of something, everyone becomes aware of it).
I personally don't care if I'm believed or not. My concern is to provide people with an alternative explanation for what is otherwise a puzzlement. People are entitled to information and they can process it how they see fit.
Corporations are a device rooted in Roman law and there is no evidence that apostolic period Christians used it to hide their shadowy activities. They certainly had little use of a publishing empire to print religious theories. The scriptures alone were satisfactory for their spiritual edification. And when they 'churched' they did so in a non-oppressive environment of freedom where the real challenge of community was attaining and maintaining unity through diversity. That is; diversity of personalities and diversity of opinions.
When you read this story I challenge you to disprove everything or anything. If anyone cares to take up this challenge I think you'll find both other sources of validation that I've missed, and uglier stories with evidences.