God forknew and forordained things for men---now he never did?

by oompa 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    Could everyone please read this goodie I just found!.oompa.. it is short and shows that we teach predestation of big things in 1918.

    BROOKLYN., NY., JANUARY 15, 1918 Watchtower


    TIlE DIVINE PLAN (sub-heading)

    Jehovah foreknew that Adam would disobey him and that

    all of hls progeny would suffer sickness sorrow and death.

    In the exercise of his loving kindness and perfect wisdom,

    Go,1 provided redemption of mankind from death through tim

    blood of Jesus, his beloved Son. He further foreordained

    and provided that because of his full obedience to the, d.ivine

    will and program, Jesus should be exalted above all other

    now of course Jw teaches that nothing has been preordained.

    what do you thik of this major position change and did you know about it?......oompa


  • oompa

    Hey I busted on this one.......Did anyone know we used to teach predestination?......oompa

    and I want to know if there is a master list of everything we have ever been wrong about

  • blueviceroy

    Every time I see JWisms being spread like a fungus on my screen, I get this pit of nausua in my stomach that has a life of it's own. All the darkness in the heart of man is present in the cold and twisted reality of the practicing Jdubs mind. (sorry for being so melodramatic it is getting close to halloween you know) Not much scarier than a fanatical religious zeolot.

  • nvrgnbk
    .......Did anyone know we used to teach predestination?......

    To quote the CO that tried to get me to go back when he visited me for a shepherding call...

    "We used to believe alot of crazy things."

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>"We used to believe alot of crazy things."

    I wonder if it occurred to him that some CO 100 years from now will be saying the same thing about what HE believes today?

    2 + 2 = 4 (for certain values of 2)


  • nvrgnbk
    I wonder if it occurred to him that some CO 100 years from now will be saying the same thing about what HE believes today?

    I pointed out a slightly modified version of that truth to him, AA.

    Good to see ya, Dave.

  • zack

    If you believe in an all powerful, all knowing God, then you cannot escape the conclusion that he KNEW all the things that would occur once he set them in motion.

    Holding to that belief, Paul said that God had made some as vessels for an honorable use and some as vessels for a hishonorable use. What choice does the clay have

    when it is the potter that is molding it?

    So the idea that we are free moral agents seems to me to be at odds with a belief in an all knowing, all powerful diety.

    And yes, I knew what Rutherford taught. My grandparents were enamored with the Judge. I wish they had never met a JW.

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