Could everyone please read this goodie I just found!.oompa.. it is short and shows that we teach predestation of big things in 1918.
BROOKLYN., NY., JANUARY 15, 1918 Watchtower
TIlE DIVINE PLAN (sub-heading)
Jehovah foreknew that Adam would disobey him and that
all of hls progeny would suffer sickness sorrow and death.
In the exercise of his loving kindness and perfect wisdom,
Go,1 provided redemption of mankind from death through tim
blood of Jesus, his beloved Son. He further foreordained
and provided that because of his full obedience to the, d.ivine
will and program, Jesus should be exalted above all other
now of course Jw teaches that nothing has been preordained.
what do you thik of this major position change and did you know about it?......oompa