1874-jesus has come invisibly and is going to start armageddon in 1914--the good will go to heaven
Years later the GBMobile was cruising along and looked into the Holy Rearview Mirror and saw: Wait a second that wasnt jesus who came in 1874, that was just our intensified work leading up to Jesus Coming in1914 which started all the wordly mess. We should have seen it wasnt armagadon, just Jesus coming.
What pray tell would he do. Its 1925 and we still havent seen our good boys from heaven coming down to help us, lets get in the GBMobile and go....check the Holy Rearview Mirror and loooooo, we see that jesus was busy inspecting religion in general and looking for who was doing a good job...how the hey did we miss that I told you we needed to get our act together. Now we see we were approved in 1919....and Babylon really got her ass kicked by jesus.....cause she cant mess with us anymore....looks like he kicked her so hard she fell down and cant get up!
Im sure you will find more rearview prophecy as you drive the GBMobile. Why is it we cant do it the old bible way. God will bring fire and destroy you sodom........KaBaMaZapCracklePop...and its done. I have not found a single Bible account where big shit goes down and NOBODY notices at the time. And then YEARS later propets go Hey I know a prophecy that I could of said so I could tell you now it happend when the walls of Jerico fell down......WTF....oompa