Over my nearly 30 years in the watchtower world, I personally conducted about two hundred interviews with the Friends. Much of what was confided to me was (i) of the don't-repeat-to-anyone category (and I intend to repect those persons wishes),(ii) others who were willing to be identified as to a particular source of information,(iii) and still others had esoteric information which they were fearful of possessing and (iv) my own experiences and my own research efforts into an organization that I once wrongly believed could be honest and would tell the truth. When I left, I was quite disinterested in the xjw movement, because it seemed to be linked to the watchtower culture of cruelty, but in a reverse sort of manner. During my research in another field, I stumbled into information which had a bearing on a different version of WTS history. I have made reasonable effort to validate information. Initially, I was disposed toward keeping the information private, but I struggled with my conscience to make it public. I do so at the risk of being maligned, negatively labelled and abused. Upon request I will post, "The Watchtower Society: a Zionist Conspiracy", but immediately thereafter I will destroy my files lest my home and office is burgled to steal the files, as has happened to other individuals.
WTS and UN: Compatible Agencies II
by FatJackMcCracken 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals
um..if you post it, then what is the point of someone breaking into your house to steal stuff that is public?
Have I missed something?
To:- Have I Missed Something.
You must be elder material---you don't listen too well. The stuff in my house is not public, it's private---get it? Fat Jack