Does society give us our needs?

by Mincan 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mincan

    While in the cult I had a growth needs phase of personal growth
    according to Maslow's hierarchy. This is because I felt by my brain
    f**k that I had all four of the bottom needs satisfied. My f**ked up
    view of sex and masturbation satisfired my sexual needs. My f**ked
    up views of marriage took care of my intimacy needs. My fu**ed up
    views of family kept that at check as well. A true believer truly
    suffers from ground shaking sh*t when their mind no longer uses
    these processes to use itself. Self esteem as well was taken care of
    because "jehovah loves me" and "I'm special" "I'm chosen" "Jehovah
    will see it right in the end" "everything is okay Jehovah... Jehovah
    I love you Jehovah... Your only a day away! JEHOVAH! JEHOVAH! I LOVE
    YOU JEHOVAH!..." respect by others came at a price, but was able to
    scronge some up, acheivement always lacking. I can see that my depression
    mostly was probably caused by whatever lacking I had here, just as
    my depression now stems from deficiencies in these others that I was
    always missing, but only now have the cognitive processes in place
    to actually recognise their intrinsic value of possesssion.

  • jaguarbass

    If you had the 4 bottom needs met your ready to put icing on the cake. When you say does society give us our needs. Do you mean the Wac Tower society or your local municipality?

    I dont think any society gives us our needs but there are opportunities. And I believe you have more and better opportunities away from the wac tower society.

    I would compare being a JW to kind of like being in a gang. Like the crypts , the Latin Kings, or the Folk Nation. It's kind of fuxd up.

  • WTWizard

    This can be split into two parts. Society in general does not give us our needs, though they give too many lazy people food stamps. They make it difficult for industrious people to create any value. They make it difficult for certain people to be sexually satisfied, and in some cases absolutely impossible (and then they want the victims to shut up about it so they don't have to live with the effects of having stifled a human being). And the biggest needs are not fulfilled: the need to be creative is stifled in school.

    The Watchtower Society is even worse. They order people not to take advantage of what little education the world offers. They order people not to take advantage of the even better education the Internet offers. They make it difficult for anyone to be sexually satisfied, always sticking their noses into people's business. They totally cut off time for children to learn and play. And they expect people to live off ditch-diggers and window-washers salaries, which are typically pitifully low. Unlike the society at large, the Watchtower Society doesn't even have Welfare programs to help those who they knock into hardship.


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