Could field service turn into an "enemy" of the WBTS?

by Awakened07 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened07

    At least in western countries? And if so - how will they solve it? Has it already started to happen?

    What I'm getting at is; we all know how JWs are told not to get lengthy educations and to be very careful with what they read on the internet and in non-WBTS literature.

    But the people they visit when they go door-to-door don't have any such restrictions put upon them. You'd think that at the very first return visit, the 'door' will have checked things out online, and may have a lot of valid objections and/or questions for the JWs. Not only that, but people get 'educated' just by reading stuff on the web for themselves as well, like on Wikipedia - about everything from religion to science.

    So - providing the JWs actually get conversations and studies - can people they visit become pretty much like exJWs without actually being exJWs? And ask them questions that will make them think, and perhaps curious enough to research it further themselves, even though they're not supposed to? Not just the return visits, but any 'door' they may visit?

    So that the one thing they really are told to be eager doing, turns into an "enemy" of their faith?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Awakened,

    What a concept - JWs are restricted as to all information not approved by the WTB&TS yet those on whom they call are not. What a disparity! - an imbalance when it comes to the possibility of an intelligent and informative dialogue.

    Do JWs, however, even talk at the doors any more?!?!?!?

    CoCo Wonders


    It is more likely than not..A person interested in the "JW Cult" will research it on the internet..It is unlikely the WBT$ will get many new Cult Members from people connected to the internet.....Jehovah`s Witness`s will avoid householders,with any negative information about the WBT$......Jehovah`s Witness membership will decline..Active Jehovah`s Witness`s will become more isolated from the rest of the world...OUTLAW

  • yknot

    Even more reasons for the JWs to go "mainstream" and be supported in the West by "generous" donations from members like other denominations.

  • lavendar

    Unfortunately, householders usually decline talking w/ the Witness and close the door. This is a PERFECT opportunity, though, for the householder to ask those thought-provoking questions to get the Witness to THINK. But, unfortunately most people don't know what questions to ask.

    If more people whom the Witness encounters would do this......just think of the impact this could have.


  • Dorktacular

    When hunting, it helps to be smarter than your prey. Very few JWs are smarter than the person they're trying to prey upon.

  • sf

    Could field service turn into an "enemy" of the WBTS?


    Um, it already has.

    And the goal is to keep that momentum going.


  • WTWizard

    With the Internet, it very well could. The Witless stops at your house and you are curious. So you take the magazines. That evening, you look up the religion on the Internet and decide to get several sources. Most are disparaging of the religion, from people that have been on the inside. Then the householder will raise the questions to the person conducting the study. The householder loses interest, and the Witless has been exposed to apostate material.

    I have already done that with one person who was studying and just starting to go to meetings. That person was directed to an apostate Web site, and read portions of it. That blew that study for good, and hopefully the conductor was exposed to apostate questions as well. I bet that is going to separate the hard core Witlesses from those who want to mainstream--the ones that want to mainstream will be more exposed to apostate material in this fashion and go apostate, and the hard core Witlesses are going to stick with one [erroneous] viewpoint.

  • quietlyleaving

    But the people they visit when they go door-to-door don't have any such restrictions put upon them. You'd think that at the very first return visit, the 'door' will have checked things out online, and may have a lot of valid objections and/or questions for the JWs. Not only that, but people get 'educated' just by reading stuff on the web for themselves as well, like on Wikipedia - about everything from religion to science.

    I used to accompany a pioneer sister on her study. The study was very interested for a few months then started asking awkward questions and insisted on using her own bible. We even started taking along a JB bible to set her mind at ease. But her questions continued - she later revealed that her fleshly brother had been researching JWs on the net. The study soon came to an end. I'm really glad that it did because she had a young happy, well adjusted child.

    btw the questions she asked were excellent and very scholarly.

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