Question - why don't RECORD im mp3 the 2007 Annual Meeting?
QUESTION - 2007 Annual Meeting (Old post 24-Oct-07 13:40)
by Eliabe 7 Replies latest jw friends
The WT Society does not record their annual meetings for the use of their publishers.
The annual meeting is only for the WTS shareholders and invited guests. It's not like a regular assembly of JW's where you can record or videotape the session.
There are WTS shareholders?
There are WTS shareholders?
It's a corporation... someone has to own the shares. Granted, it is not a publicly traded company, but it still has private shares that are traded privately.
It's a corporation... someone has to own the shares. Granted, it is not a publicly traded company, but it still has private shares that are traded privately.
Are you smoking crack, Elsewhere? The Society is a non-profit corporation, and therefore cannot issue shares to anyone. The organization can make internal profit, but that profit doesnt extend outside the corporation. They can compensate their directors within reason, - and this is where it gets shady - but how can they do so without attracting undue attention. For example, 110 year old governing body directors arnt spending a lot of money when they work and die at Bethel. They can fly around the world and stay in fancy hotels but thats about it.
About the Annual Metting - 90% of the attendees are Bethelites. The rest are Bethelite's relatives and a few higher ups invited specially. A few missionaries are always there to give reports of "distant lands", and maybe a couple branch overseers.
The contents are basically like a Special Assembly, geared for the "insiders" so basically everything just sounds more important. You may hear some interesting tidbits from the GB, but for the most parts its just drivel that everyone will get in the WT in 6 months.
And also, they do record the annual meeting with video, but only for internal use on the closed circuit television they have connecting brooklyn, wallkill, patterson, and canada branch. About ten years ago, I remember one Bethelite (not an apostate) who had a website and reported a ton of info about the annual meeting online. He was stupid enough to post his picture and name - and I took it upon myself to report him, knowing that the Society frowned upon that, and the guy obviously was an idiot because they always say "no recording, electronic note taking, etc" before the program starts. Of course, that was back when I was "in," and fully brain-massaged by the witnoid directive.
OK -- if it's not shareholders, it's corporation members. Something having to do with membership or controlling / voting interest. The point is, the meeting is intended for a narrow band of JW's, and any information that the Society wants to be known it prints later. It seems they let the speculation out about the generation purposefully, in order to stir excitement. I don't think they normally do that at annual corporation meetings.
Something having to do with membership or controlling / voting interest.
Im not sure what you mean by "controlling/voting interest." The Annual Meeting has little to do with any of this. Like I said, its basically a special assembly afternoon day for bethelites and the GB. The ones who vote on anything to do with controlling the Borg are the GB members - and they dont do that at the annual meeting.