where are the partaker numbers and annual reports - sheesh!!

by cultswatter 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    The latest news is that there will be no more annual reports in the watchtower magazine. The annual reports are now supposed to be in the kingdom ministry. Does anyone know which KM it will be in, and do you think the WTS will delete the partaker numbers??

    Also will the WTS delete the words "pioneers" and "publishers" and just call them a bunch of "witnesses" like they do in the precious online reports that are about to get taken of the net. It sure looks like the WTS is removing any details that could start a JW stampede out of paradice

  • WTWizard

    The service reports are no longer in the Puketower magazines. They will be found in the Yearbook and in an insert in the Kingdumb Misery. It is anyone's guess when they are going to turn up, but I am still hoping that someone who gets their hands on one will post it on this or some other site ahead of when the Witlesses themselves get to see the damage.

    And, if the total publishers are 7 million or more, then I am going to be pxxxed off. I am hoping that enough people quit publishing to hold them below that number, and hopefully below 6,741,444 which was the 2005-06 peak. I hope that, even if they do manage a number of 7 million or more, that most or all of it is fake time slips filled out by the hounders or the hounder-hounders or dummy service that had no real effect.

    I hope they start heading south in a big way.

  • James Free
    James Free

    Yea it's time they started to decline in total numbers. Now they are letting kids younger than 10 get baptized. But somehow, no matter how many leave the numbers still go up. It will be great to ask what happened to the speeding up? But they will say now its a sifting work - they have an answer ready for everything.

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