I was going to reply to you on the thread which should be now known as the longest running tattoo debate on the internet.
But...I didn't want this to get lost in the pissing contest so I put it on it's own topic for you. You need to know something and I wanted to tell you in public. No matter what, you can know something right now. I have had the honor of helping three people exiting The Truth within the last year. Every time, I refer to you as an example of someone who is free and how they got that way, and it helps them at one point or another when I talk about you.
People who weren't around during the time wouldn't remember the people from all over the world on here waiting for Richie Rich to come back from the "judicial committe" you just knew you were walking into. Or the "Richie Rich Cellphonegate Scandal" where you made your exit.
Anyone who hasn't taken the time to read up on who you are, should take a moment to look back through your history here. I wish I was half as strong as you at my age, I'd be a lot further along instead of playing catch up.
You are a great dude and I don't care if you have more holes than the sieve in my kitchen, you are always welcome at my fire...wherever I may be at the time.