@1935 - Enjoy it while you can! (New Article)

by KW13 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Why not speak to as many Witnesses as you can about 1935 being a wonderfully inspired date from Jehovah and how clear it was scripturally to the Society what this date obviously meant? Really get the Witnesses going on about it being the right thing, how the great crowd was recognized, how the Society are amazing and all that spew and then...then you wait - Just make sure that Conversation was memorable.


    Its January. The dubs have their Watchtower...you...you are speaking to the same dub(s) about 1935...maybe you'll plant a seed.

  • dawg

    If they change that dogma, I plan on raising all sorts of hell with my family that won't talk to me. Letters and the like... those that do talk, they are going to tell how dissappointed theya re to their famlies

  • Clam

    Good plan Karl, but it wouldn't work for me.

    If I dared to opine about the validity of Watchtower teachings to my JW family, they'd know I was taking the piss, or was up to something. They've got a really good force field protecting their spiritual paradise.


  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    My mother has been talking about this already - "we must be so near the end now" was her conclusion.

    Rank and file will embrace the change with open arms and will love it. They will view it as the latest revelation.

    Only the odd one or two "thinking" people will stop to consider what it really means.

    This change is huge and could be the groundwork for big change coming - 144000 becomes a symbolic number perhaps.

    I just wish more would stop to reason on it - basically what JWs preached / believed for over 70 years was wrong.

  • KW13
    If they change that dogma, I plan on raising all sorts of hell with my family that won't talk to me. Letters and the like... those that do talk, they are going to tell how dissappointed theya re to their famlies

    let us know how that goes, in the meantime consider a few plugs for the ol' 1935 date lol.

    Good plan Karl, but it wouldn't work for me.

    If I dared to opine about the validity of Watchtower teachings to my JW family, they'd know I was taking the piss, or was up to something. They've got a really good force field protecting their spiritual paradise.


    Really sad about that mate, i know how it feels to be unable to discuss some of this stuff when we actually want to help! Hope one day you get the chance your looking for

    My mother has been talking about this already - "we must be so near the end now" was her conclusion.

    Rank and file will embrace the change with open arms and will love it. They will view it as the latest revelation.

    Only the odd one or two "thinking" people will stop to consider what it really means.

    This change is huge and could be the groundwork for big change coming - 144000 becomes a symbolic number perhaps.

    I just wish more would stop to reason on it - basically what JWs preached / believed for over 70 years was wrong.

    i think that some JW's are afraid to admit to the outside world what they know on the inside, possibly even afraid to admit the truth to themselves about what they are involved with, because that means having to pick up where you left off when you became a witness, except a lot has changed and your whole world only makes sense when you depend on this organization, it means letting go of so called knowledge and answers and embracing the idea that sometimes its nice to not know everything and its nice to come to your own conclusion. my mum and i discussed 1935, because i made the mistake of mentioning this new article before January, it was part good and part bad because she was approached this date with the view that it was accurate 'at the time' and wasn't an inspired teaching but just an 'understanding' whereas i think if i'd of just asked about 1935 and waited, we'd of had a much better discussion this January coming. Although i had a few moments where she squirmed a bit when i quoted the Watchtower Society's view on the date (prior to Jan Watchtower).

  • Mary
    Why not speak to as many Witnesses as you can about 1935 being a wonderfully inspired date from Jehovah and how clear it was scripturally to the Society what this date obviously meant?

    My own take on the Jan 2008 Craptower article is this: I think it will mildly shock the R&F but the vast majority of them will still refrain from partaking of the bread and wine at the Memorials. It's been drilled into their brains that most of them have earth as their eternal destination, not heaven and I think it would be too much of a switch for thousands of Witnesses to suddenly switch to the heavenly hope. Over all, their 'new light' on the topic is like the 'new light' they got in 1995 on the generation issue. It's disturbing to have a major doctrine changed and it doesn't bear close scrutiny. It should be interesting to see what the Witnesses' reaction is when they read these articles.......One thing I think they should be made aware of, is that Freddie Kruger Franz emphatically stated that 1935 was the cut off date. If this was an incorrect doctrine (which their 'new light' on the subject proves it was), then why were so many Witnesses' forced to go along with it? Wasn't Uncle Freddie one of Christ's brothers? How could he have made such a blunder??

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    But weez gotsa selll da magazines , whats weez gona puts on da front cover Dam it

  • Dorktacular

    This kind of crap makes me sick. I'm not a witness anymore and haven't been for almost 10 years, but I was raised as a witness. If I were still a witness, I'd be even more upset because essentially everything that I was taught by the organization for the first 20 or so years of my life has all changed. What we were made to accept as God's Truth has changed and morphed into something that doesn't resemble what was being taught when I was a kid in the organization. Imagine if every 5 years or so the Pope changed the rules and beleifs of the Catholic religion. Would they still even be Catholics? If you keep changing your core beliefs and doctrines, how can you even keep the name of the religion? All the dates and times and prophecies and rules and regulations keep changing! How can anyone adhere to this crap, or even remember what they are supposed to be adhering to? How, at this point, can any JW even go out in service? Can they even understand what the new doctrine is supposed to be? How long before the people at the doors out in service recognize that they aren't hearing the same things from the witnesses and start questioning the changes in doctrine?

    When I was a kid... let's see. NO BLOOD! Now, you can have blood. The 1914 generation would never die and would see armageddon. And that didn't mean people who were born in 1914, we were talking the generation who were adults in 1914. Well, that changed in 1995 when they said "Uh, ok.... NEW LIGHT..... forget about that 1914 crap".

    Honestly, I don't even know why I care. I knew it was all crap years ago.

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