Bethel layoff's are long over............

by HappyDad 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyDad

    So.........does anyone know how thing are going for those who were canned from Bethel? How are they fairing? Have any of them been "placed" in a cong. near you?

    It was stated on another thread that the "layoff's" were long over, so now I'm curious. Have any of the unlucky ones who were thrown to the wolves to fend for themselves turned against the 'tower?

    Many of them haven't had a real job in decades and now have to rely on making enough to get by, and hopefully pay enough into Social Security to get something in their old age. I sure hope this has made some of them wake up.

    It was also mentioned in an old thread that the 'tower would pay them a stipend of $500.00 a month to help them adjust into their new life. I also wonder if this stipend is permanent or will it eventually end. Personally, I would say that if they are really getting $omthing $$ from the 'tower, it will be for a limited period.

    Just curious,


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Word on the street is they all found gainful employment as street sweepers, janitors, laborers, window washers, zookeepers, and the like.

    Many now live in spacious tent cities, whilst getting fat off of the bubble gum they scrape off the sidewalks for sustenance.

    So, all in all, their faith in the FDS has not been in vain.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Happy Dad:

    The very little I know is that a Bethel couple visited our area recently and that they have a stipend and medical. Beyond that, I heard nothing amounting to a complaint ...


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    A displaced Bethelite couple was on our District Convention program. Mostly, it was the sister. She talked about how she dreamed as a young girl of going to Bethel, but was repeatedly turned down. After years of being disappointed, she 'worked on her attitude' and got on with her life. Then, a Bethelite brother took an interest in her, asked her to marry him, and voila, now that he wanted to paw her body, she was suddenly good enough for Bethel.

    She had a hard time adjusting to Bethel life, but 'worked on her attitude,' and was finally able to find a measure of happiness at Bethel. Yes, she was disappointed she didn't have a home of her own, etc., but she really 'worked on her attitude.' Finally, she was able to see herself spending the rest of this system of things at Bethel.

    Then, voila, suddenly, they were told that they were being sent into 'the missionary' work, and would be leaving Bethel. She was very disappointed that after all that 'work on her attitude,' she again had to adjust to this change in circumstance.

    But, she 'worked on her attitude' and now she is happy living here and pioneering. Moral of the story: Jehovah blesses us for working on our attitudes. I'm not kidding you, I could not believe they used this as an example of being blessed for working on our attitudes. Everytime she got something worked out in her head, according to her, Jehovah changed it!

    Is He playing games with her????????

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I know one couple who are in their 30s/40s...they got a pretty sweet assignment...cant say exactly...but it was still considered Special Full Time their status did not change...(meaning the Borg was still supporting them fully) but for some reason they did not get along with their fellow workers their fellow workers did not get along with them in the assignment...I dont know if they were asked to leave or they left on their own... but after not that many months, they moved back to one of their hometowns...I am sure with the husband's skills, he will be a hell of a lot more than a janitor.

    I had many good conversations with them in the short time they were around...esp him..he had some stories...I wish he would get out and come here and post...I know he is on the internet all the time...

    Snakes ()

  • HappyDad

    Thank all,

    I appreciate the update on this fiasco.


  • Hiddenwindow
    Word on the street is they all found gainful employment as street sweepers, janitors, laborers, window washers, zookeepers, and the like.

    ...and ice cream dudes, following the spirit-directed advice of a recent WT study article.

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