Revenge on the tower

by jacethespace 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jacethespace

    Has anyone ever got personal revenge on the tower for the way they have been treated.

    Because these people have taken 7 yrs of my life and if they think they are going to turn on me and shun me when i dont agree with there beliefs and im just going to keep quite then there living in a fantasy world.Sorry i forgot they allready do.

    Mine involves half way through the second half of a thursday meeting of the ministry school

    1- A front gate

    2- Some very heavy duty padlocks.

    3- Leaving them to spend some loving quality time with their brothers and sisters.

    4-Thats just the beggining.

    Have you got any stories?

  • spiritboi

    Locking up the bros and sis? No, no,no. They are just as innocent as you and me. Do it to the governing body.... Just a story to ponder : Two men were held hostage for several years. Finally they managed to escape. One of them is so happy to regain his freedom. He do things that he was unable to do while in hostage. He valued his freedom, life and family much much more. Ten years later, he became a wealthy, successful man. One day, he met the other guy who was held hostage with him. "How is everything going with you?" He asked the other guy. "For the past ten years, I could not forget the torture and humiliation during those years in hostage. All these years, I have been thinking of revenge, revenge,revenge. I wasn't happy. They have caused my wife and children to suffer too." The first man then answered : "I never knew that you were still held hostage by them for the past ten years!"

  • R.F.

    The best revenge in my opinion.....

    .....move on with your life and show the them that you can be happy without them.


  • 5go

    Try a well placed molotov while you are at it. Preferably on the most CO looking empty car.


    Well, I don't know if this falls in the classification of revenge.

    Could be more like protecting the public from propaganda.

    Yesterday Mr Estee spotted some Awake$ and Watchtowerz propped in a magazine stand at the bank, along with real estate magazines.

    So I scooped up the whole pile (7) and deposited them in the recycling bin.

    My good deed for the day. *pats self on back*


  • Salivating Dog
    Salivating Dog

    Why get revenge on people who follow orders and obey people without question?

    Wouldn't you rather have them for yourself?

    I would be looking for the order givers and creators to accuratly punish those responsible.

    That is if you can get them to accept any responsibilty.

  • moshe

    It takes a lot of time, but I brought my old KH to it's knees. I visited every home in my small town and left a tract of my own making that told the story of how JW's duped me and destroyed my family when I quit them. On the back was a warning notice for them to cut out and tape to their door. It said simply, " No Visits by Jehovah's Witnesses".

    This was almost 20 years ago and that KH has withered away to just the die-hard elderly now. If everyone who left the KH did that for just 100 homes we would see the end of the door to door work.

  • MadTiger

    One of the best ways a so-called apostate can sting the Watchtower is by not falling into any their stereotypes of what an apostate turns into.

    Don't be some drugged-out, and/or raving lunatic.

    Live your life, and just happen to be an ex-JW. It kills them.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    these people have taken 7 yrs of my life

    I wish they had only taken 7 years of my life. In my case it was over 45 years. It's really hard to rethink all the propaganda I was fed all those years.

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