Two kinds of Witnesses--and explanation of the Governing Body

by B_Deserter 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • B_Deserter

    I've come to realize there are two kinds of Witnesses: the idealists and the legalists. The idealists are the typical rank and file. They believe firmly in the ideal that the Watchtower society is directed by God, and the motives of the JW clergy are nothing but spiritual. They are ignorant of the business-like nature of the organization. They don't think about all the rules and regulations because they either don't know or don't care to know. To them, the goals of the WTS are completely, 100% altruistic. The legalists tend to be in positions of authority. They're different from the rank-n-file because they not only know about the rules and regs, but EAT IT UP as well. They LOVE the beaurocracy, the positions of authority, and the mindgames. They LOVE the system and all it's complicated ins-and-outs. They're like lawyers, concerned more with the language of the society's edicts than what the Bible actually says. I've also noticed that being the legalist type will fast-track one into the elder body. I think the GB members are the elite among the legalists. It explains why they hide so much in the name of "Jehovah's" reputation. Ray Franz unfortunately was an idealist and was pushed into the GB because of who his brother was. I was an idealist, but grew more and more fed up with how the Jehovah's Witnesses ran the religion like a business. I remember talking to someone's memorial guest and his comment was "wow, it looks more like a business meeting than a church meeting." I thought that was good at the time, but now I realize it isn't. Jesus wasn't a businessman.

  • RollerDave


    Legalists, and idealists.....

    I think you summed it all up very succinctly, yet without leaving anything un addressed.

    I am adopting this terminology from now on.



  • BIG D
    BIG D

    quite insiteful, and i agree, i have seen many approach it businesslike and have advanced rapidly, my po was like that, and he was a businessman, i guess these are the ones with the leader mentality, and many are hung up power trips.

    big d

  • OnTheWayOut

    I suppose I was attracted as an idealist, but stayed in as a legalist.

    My wife is an idealist who leaves the legalism to somebody else.

  • marmot

    All the male members of my JW family are hard-core legalists and they really get people pissed off. I remember being so embarrassed as a 12-year old when we kept having to change tires on the side of the road after meetings and bookstudies because people kept propping nails up against the wheels.

    I seem to be the only idealist, although I don't know about my uncle who DA'd when I was a toddler. I've been trying to track him down but my family won't give me any contact information.

  • dogisgod

    I think I was a little of both since we had to know about so many "facts" (like the translation of the word 'cross' vs 'stake'etc). I will say that the emotional, physical, spiritual dissillusion I experienced was enough to make me self eject into the atmosphere. I knew a CO who had a photographic memory and he was pretty amazing at how he could quote and WT give the year, page, location on the page. Sorry to generalize but I think men are more legalistic minded which really makes control easier for them to assume. Now, umteen yrs later I am researching the flaws. I was always uncomfortable with the Elder School, Pioneer School etc as it seemed they had some 'secret' materiel. When I visited Bethel and the WT farms (I was way more impressed with the farms) My then husband (at Bethel) exclaimed, "Couldn't you just move right in?!?!" I thought, No Way Jose. I loved my little house and pets and garden and job and no desire to be so "regulated" almost down to bowel movement exams. What a sweat shop! If these GB guys are so legalistic then why don't they see that there are huge it just their egos?

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