Ex-JWs Who Are Now Christian...

by deaconbluez 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • deaconbluez

    Do you find that you've had to re-establish your familiarity with scriptures in other versions of the Bible based on the translation errors in the NWT? If so, which texts?

  • Outaservice


    About half of them.


  • snowbird

    John chapter 1 - Jesus is God

    Hebrews chapter 1 - Jesus is God

    1 Cor 10:4 - Jesus is the Rock who led the nation of Israel, therefore is the God of the OT.

    There are more, but those really were eye openers.


  • Sirona

    I'm not Christian, however when I left the JWs and examined Christianity, I did agree that the bible says that Jesus is God.

    Take the Greek scriptures and you'll find it does appear to say that Jesus is God.

    No "Trinity" needs to be involved. Just Jesus=God.


  • RisingEagle

    There just happened to be one that came up last night. Galatians 2:16

    NIV states "Faith IN Jesus Christ"

    NWT says "Faith TOWARD Jesus Christ"

    Twice in the same verse. I'm not a biblical scholar and don't have any of the reference books even needed to see which is more correct, if indeed either one is, but I know the difference in the words 'in' and 'toward'.


  • JeffT

    Yes, and some of them were real eye-openers. I've been out and attending a mainstream church since 1989. Sometimes I look back at how JW's read the bible and shake my head. I think the list is way to long to run through but here's a few in no particular order:

    John 1:1

    John 3:16

    The entire book of Revelation

    All of Paul's discertations on Grace and salvation by faith.

    Jesus did NOT preach an organization. Most of his words are directed to the individual believer.

    OK, how about we just say all of the New Testament and leave it at that.

  • isaacaustin

    I was raised in it but never bapt. I left at 14 or 15...never having really read the Bible. So to me it wasn't so much getting to know a new Bible as much as learning what the Bible says without WT blinders...and learning things clearly stated by the Bible yet contrary to the WT. The turning point for my was really in 1995 when "this generation" was redefined. Prior to that I was a rebel but had some fear in the back of my mind- I thought it was an established truth that the end had to come b4 the 1914 generation completely disappeared. In reading that paragraph at the Sun WT study in 95 I thought to myself "the WT really is nothing"...Yrs later I realized the full import of this false prophecy.

  • snowbird

    Oh, another thing that has been cleared up.

    John 18:6 - in the garden where the ones seeking Jesus fell backward when he calmly stated I AM.

    The Society's explanation that they were startled and fell back in reflex of their own fear never satisfied me.

    I researched I AM and finally understood the full import of those words.

    No wonder it was translated I HAVE BEEN at John 8:58.

    Shame on Freddy Krueger and the WTS.


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