"I realized racism isn't just a black and white problem. It's brought bloodbaths to about every nation on earth at one time or another. Brother, remember the time that white college girl came into the restaurant — the one who wanted to help the Muslims and the whites get together — and I told her there wasn't a ghost of a chance and she went away crying? Well, I've lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African continent I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of argument. I did many things as a [black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie then — like all [black] Muslims — I was hypnotized, pointed in a certain direction and told to march. Well, I guess a man's entitled to make a fool of himself if he's ready to pay the cost. It cost me 12 years. That was a bad scene, brother. The sickness and madness of those days — I'm glad to be free of them."
I saw this quote by Malcolm X and thought how true that is of many JW's or anyone for that matter. They are pointed in one direction and told to march, never looking at what is actually happening. If many of them could only see what is REALLY going on they could work to change. Unfortunately Malcolm learned to late and was murdered for his beliefs. So many JW's refuse to work with non JW's on issues that are key to loving your neighbor. I don't know this quote just really struck me.