Thank for the answers. I have just doubt about the so-called true that jw told me. My trouble ist I can not put their advises in my life. In Germany everything is for me not difficult, communication between the people, the study in Uni, discuss with colleague, everything goes well if you try your best to it. But in China is the life very different. Just an example, in Germany I have took more than one year for my master work including experimentation and writing. But I know here man needs only few months for it because the final work is from copy of existing source. That is the difference between China and Westland that the Chinese does not shame to be a deceiver. the weather in China is not comfortable, the air too dirty. The Government reports that Bird Flu is already under the control, but I believe the announcement only by 30 percent.
Thank for the answers
by zhangyigzcn 4 Replies latest jw friends
You are welcome. I know the move from Germany to China is hard, just do your best. I hope that your life gets better there in China.
You have doubts about JW's , and we do too. They want you to follow them instead of using your brain. That's what many of us learned.
The best answers for you will come from your own observation and experience.
bite me
I cannot post a new thread for some reason. I could not find the "proper" place to plost this, so Im posting here, I feel it's the best place for it. Anyway, I just found out that the Christadelphia has similar teachings of the JW's. I tried posting the link but I keep losing my post due to an error. Just type christadelphia in a search engine and you'll see. If you already knew this, I'm sorry.
bite me
I tried posting a link of where I found this, but it's not letting me cut and paste. Oh well..looks like google will find it.
To bite me; you're correct about the Christadelphians, much similarity with Jw's. All the 'Adventist' religions have some sort of crossover. There's a largish following here in NZ incidentally.