Does anyone know of any online web sites for copying morse code, I would like to stay in practice but don't have a receiver or equipment needed to ber up. But would love to get a lot of practice in. so if any out there know, would love to hear from you. tks
online web sites for practicing morse code
by ush419 3 Replies latest jw friends
Hasn't the Morse code been replaced by the Global Maritime Distress Safety System?
Here's an enthusiast site, have you seen this one:
tks gopher i will check it out.
Hello ush,
I'm happy to know that someone wants to learn or get their code up to speed. Being a ham radio for 30 years, my code is pretty good these days. I can send code at over 30 WPM but my receiving is a little slower depending on how often I get on the bands.
There are several ham operators on JWD, but I don't know if they like code or not. My love is QRP CW and I'm having a ball with it.
There are many sites for online code practice. This is just one of them..
My suggestion is to go to your keyword box and type in MORSE CODE PRACTICE
I did this and it brought up a lot of sites dedicated to this. You also might want to go the the ARRL home page and see if they have anything of interest.
Morse code might be a communication tool of the past, but it is not dead. In fact............the military in Iraq is using it again because the enemy doesn't really understand it these days. The phone and satellite communication there is subject to being listened to and understood, but CW is scrambled and very effective in what our guys are doing there.
If you need more info and are interested on becoming a "ham" just PM me.
Oh.........and another thing. If you want to know more about CW operating at QRP.........go to the web pages of NAQCC and K3WWP for more info.