No one can judge you and decide whether or not you truly are a Christian. Only Christ knows if you truly belong to him.
When I left the WT, I reflected on this same question which is "am I really a Christian?". I realized that in the beginning I wasn't sure because I had to admit that I did not really know Jesus. The Bible calls him the "chief perfector" of our faith. And Christ is the head of the church (congregation). But because the WT sets up two classes of Christians, one anointed and one other sheep class, the Other sheep class I was in really do not apply Jesus' words to themselves. So for me, I was not following Christ's footsteps and did not really feel like a Christian. I was under the false impression that Christ's teachings mostly applied to the 144,000 and I was not one of them.
According to scripture, all who believe in Christ, once they confess this, recieve God's spirit and become children of God. This number is not only 144,000 but ALL who accept Christ. Interestingly the WT is now re-opening the heavenly door, so to speak. A door they never should have tried to close on people to begin with.
So you have to ask yourself do you know Christ? Have you accepted him as your Master and perfector of faith? And if you have, have you recieved God's spirit yet which testifies that you have been accepted as one of his children?
The Apostle Paul does a great job of explaining how we can know if we have God's spirit or not in Romans chapter 8. I would suggest you read this chapter in another bible other than the NWT because the WT has changed many verses. If you do feel you have God's spirit you are "in Christ" then you are a Christian. So let no one else tell you otherwise. Also like BA brought out, if this is so, you will want to partake at the memorial. Being a Christian does NOT depend on anyones religious affiliation. In other words you do not have to belong to any particular group. Being a Christian depends on having a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. The one Jehovah has put in charge of all things, including the church at this time.
Recieving God's spirit is a very personal and beautiful thing. You literally become a changed person (new creation) and will find the Spirit of God opening your eyes of understanding of scripture up in a whole new way. And you will experience the "Peace of God" that transends all things. If you are not sure if you have fully accepted Christ or been anointed with the spirit, you can ask God to guide you in this endeavor. And I would suggest you read the Gospel accounts (in another Bible) and pray that God allow Christ to come to you and anoint you with the spirit. God promises whoever asks will recieve. And he was talking about the spirit.
If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me. Peace, Lilly