I keep getting obnoxious mail whether Hate or conversion type mail from this world harvest church youth ministers and students so I wanted to share my response in order that you might remove the veil from your eyes.
--start response---
You might be able to recognize the Harlot Church/Mystery Babylon but you have not yet woken (had the veil removed) to realize the image they created
was one trying to unite all beliefs into one world religious order (as
preachers say will happen in our times)
whereby the RCC (Rome under it's mask) could be the authority. The
concept of the 2 Horn (duality power) system is that it's both Religious and
Political but under this system can hide and invade all kingdoms and collect
taxes through all kingdoms without insurection and tax revolts.
In Daniel chapter 7 in conjunction with Rev.chapter 13 ten horns rising out
of the sea it requires knowledge of words/slang used in those days.
Sea was one of the many underground terms used so that Rome would not know
they were talking about them.
Words Like Kittim and Sea refered to ROME while their army were called
Horns we know mean powers.
So Daniel sees the 10 powers coming out of Romes duality system:
The ten horns - the major barbaric tribes which undertook the division (not
fall) of the empire.
1. the Alemanni
2. the Anglo-Saxons
3. the Burgundians
4. the Franks
5. the Heruli
6. the Lombards
7. the Ostrogoths
8. the Suevi
9. the Vandals
10. the Visigoths
Perhaps the little horn = The Papacy...
Ezekiels use of the word prince or king of tyre in chapter 28 requires
knowledge of history and the place.
Tyre was ruled by Rome and was known for it's ROCKS (tyrus) and SEA while
also being where the purple dye was invented thus purple fabric mentioined
in REV with scarlet colors came from in trade. So being called King of Tyre
is being King of the Rock (Peter), King of the Sea (Rome), King of Purple
Garments aka the Vatican. Also being called Prince or King refers to the
popularity of one of the figures used for the Image of Christ
which became part of the story as Jesus popularity in Tyre was well noted in
the NT.
Everything in Ezekiel 28 about the fallen anointed cherub regards to the
Church and the character it gave breath to.
You see the image the church used in it's converged religion came from the
garden as per Ezekiel.
The Garden's location was Ancient Persia (ancient Iran not to be confused
with present day Iran) See Genesis 2:10-14 for the description.
And what figure on a cross who's virgin birth was on Dec 25th, who died and
then rose from a tomb 3 days later came from Ancient Iran?
That figure was Mithra predating the Christos figure. Mithraism was big in
Rome and especially in Tarsus where Paul was from.
Do you know about Mithra? If not you best use the Internet wisely and do a
thorough search on the figure, you might be surprised what you find.
In fact the Mithraic crooked cross with the sickly man on it that the Pope
carries is similar to the Predated cross they found near Ireland.
So you know the Church foundation but you have no clue to the
figure/image/icon that they created is but a convergance of all
mythology/martyrs/cults/ and religions of that age in order to bring one
united religion whereby the tithes (like taxes) went to Rome and loyalty and
devotion was towards Rome
as this IDOL god's authority.-warning in Isaiah 44:9, 12-17
The many borrowed stories of historical characters used in reference to the
gospel accounts were used to signify the fulfillment of these idol gods in
order to seduce the cultists. The Fisherman Christ from Capernaum=Yehuda
of Galilee who die on the cross (6 BC) by Rome for his tax revolt
-Matthew 17:22-24 & Mark12:14-17 was to seduce the Dagon (fish-man god)
worshipers. (notice the fish head Dagon Priest hat the Pope wears).
Dagons son was Baal and you see the Baal symbol of the sun cross all over
the icons of saints, Mary, Jesus and on robes and even the KKK and nato uses
the sysmbol of Baal (the cross inside the circle).
Baal is known as the god of 'harvest' so the stories of seeds, 'Apollos'
light (the word Pastor Parsely wanted you all to skip), watering the seeds,
planting harvest and talk about chaffs and wheat and the symbols of the
harvest on robes are all Baal priests teachings.
So you belong to the Harvest Church, do you really know what seed you are
spreading or how much manure it takes the Pastor to spread those seeds of
Now the sorcery/miracle worker who was a carpenter not a fisherman - the
Christ figure who was son of Mary who died on Passover was called Yeshu ben
Pandera (100BC)
his stoning and hanging are recorded in acts as 'slew and Hung'- the holiday
references are in Mark and John.
Rome took more to this character figure because he was half Roman and he
appealed to the Mystery religions and cults of Mithra and Enki and Egyptian
cults of Osiris and Horus.
There were many other martyrs all converged for the one figure which was
made to seem like one historical person thus they needed a new name, new
birthdate and time period for the Icon to place him in and when they did all
kinds of trouble came from this new date, one being the stories never added
up to the time frames.
Example: needing to move his birth back to 6 BC because KING Herod (in the
Christ story) died in 4 BC. However not only did they mess up and need to
move the date but even that date does not coincide with the Census of 7 BC.
Furthermore the widows Mite in the NT accounts is a Jannaeus Alexander coin
(100BC) and so is the real character of Salome who was a friend and follower
of Yeshu.
More figures: The christ figure 'Theudas' who's disciples were Martyrs and
were of the region of the river Jordan and Baptised in the River Jordan.
another case of integrating all cult and martyr figures into one persona to
try and attract all bases into this new religion, which also included
mythology to attract the Mystery religion, along with other mythologies of
Hades, Esus, Krishna, Zeus, Baal, Dagon, Athtar the Fierce, Osiris, Horus,
etc etc. Note; Constantine studied and practices many of these religions.
By doing this they had some attachment or attraction in expectations of all
faiths and of course one of them was Judaism.
But Jews would not fall for the poor attempt because they know the
expectations of Moshiach is not of a divine person or G-d, from the new
fabricated and self testified pagan version of a redeemer who was also a god
in order to use that image to make people submit to that authority.
Now you are prepared to read my book, that's if you want to see how this all
comes together in unveiling that deception.