The Beatles said it best.
This goes along with "MomCrazy" thread on Saturdays Mornings....enjoying life and a cup...of Coffee.
Enjoying Saturdays morning instead of dreading them....Getting up and geting the kids ready for Feild Service....Yea!...You know they loved was like hearding cats!
If anyone said they enjoy going out house to house with their poor kids......they were nuts. No one in there right mind can say they enjoyed peddling religion from door to door....with small children.
Most normal people liked it about has much a the poor people we meet at the doors (some of which we woke up with our "Awake " magazines .....We thought that was funny...We were the joke!
The only part the kids liked, was the 15 mins, coffee brakes .....that turned into 45....and the truth of the matter too.
When I think about all those wasted Saturdays....1,000s of wasted hours...
All I can think of is Richard Dryfess quote in the movie "Always"....
"Whoa....What a Jerk I turned out to be!"
Great Thread...."MomCrazy"....have another cup of coffee and smile...