There is so much pain caused everyday by the WTC and from people being trapped in abusive relationships, as well as children being abused and neglected. What has helped you heal in your path to rediscovery in life? Have you healed or are you just beginning?
I found that using the Wt terminology really was my first step towards becoming "myself". Their saying "Jehovah knows all and sees all" was the first recognition into realizing I had nothing to prove to a bunch of old men, only God and I knew what was happening. "God is Love" also made me realize that God would not have put me on earth to be oppressesed if he was a god of love, and that he would understand and forgive me for saving myself and my child from the patterns of abuse that have held many people hostage for lifetimes.
Barnes and Nobles was my sancuary for many years. There, I was an invisible book reader, only being acknowledged when I went for a refill on a sometimes bottomless cup of coffee. I could read books I had always wanted to read, some I NEEDED to read, but I never had to buy them, so the random nosy visitors to my home when I missed a meeting never saw the evidence of other literature I was reading.
This thread is to help those just beginning the path of discovery and wisdom. Please share your stories so those watching and reading may expand their minds to find help in places never thought of.
Thank you.