Anyone try "Oil Pulling" ???

by What-A-Coincidence 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • nvrgnbk

    Good to see you, bro.

    Looks interesting.

  • sweetface2233

    Sounds interesting, but I gagged reading it.

  • nvrgnbk

    If this is the way you got those abs, WAC, I guess it's worth a try.

  • sweetface2233

    Don't expect a kiss after it, nvr.

  • changeling

    Thanks, but I'll sick to my blue Listerine!

    changeling (had my first cavity at age 43)

  • changeling

    I once did an olive oil and lemon juice treatment for gall stones. It worked, I pooped a whole bunch of stones. But since then, the very thought of putting oil in my mouth turns my stomach.

    changeling (sorry if that was TMI)

  • BrentR

    My wife usd the olive oil Epson salts liver cleanse to manage her gallstones for ten years. It works great and is very safe.

  • marmot

    No offense, but that is worse than the looniest tripe from an old issue of The Golden Age.

    "Bacteria embryos", "poisonous mucous" and "meridians where the internal organs are connected to your taste buds"? People, this is quackery. The damn description at the top even claimed that this would cure AIDS for crying out loud!

    There is ample evidence that good oral hygiene is beneficial for many things (for example, studies showed that the bacteria that cause dental plaque can migrate into the bloodstream and contribute to blockages that cause heart disease) but this "oil pulling" is another type of oil entirely: snake oil.

    Dilute saline solution (salt water) or listerine will do the trick, and not because it draws "poisonous mucous" from your body but because it cleans the bacteria from the small crevices in your mouth.

  • Warlock

    I thought you left........................

    PULL ON THIS...................BASTARD!!!!!


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