What To Know the "Truth" About UFOs

by new boy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new boy
  • mkr32208

    Ummm; yes?

  • spiritboi

    correct! there is none.!..

  • new boy
    new boy

    Sorry having computer problems....

    Anyway....Go to "Youtube" hit "William Cooper UFOs"....There are 10 parts to his lecture he gave.

    He worked in Naval intelligence....He names names...dates the whole thing since the late 1940's. The cover up...all of it.

    He said he would probably be killed after he gave this talk....He was shot and killed in 2001.

    This stuff will blow your mind!

    P.S Also the latest from The Mexican Air Force....Go to Youtube "CNN Mexico Air Force UFOs".....Government show pictures of 9 UFOs. Mexico ask the US government to have full discloser of what it knows and to stop the cover up.

  • ninja

    william cooper got killed 2 months after 9/11.....he predicted 9/11 would happen a couple of months before it did.........bill clinton said he was the most dangerous man on radio....RIP....william cooper

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    The truth is that they remain UFOs (unidentified flying objects) until and uless they are identified, in which case they become IFOs.

    Of those that have been IFOs, they've all been identified as hoaxes.

    BA- I've seen UFOs, but never identified any.

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