Seems like I've read that the earliest editions of The New Creation by Russell taught that the New Covenant was in force for Christians of this era. Then after Russell wrote that, he changed his views and put the New Covenant as something future and not now in effect. He then later changed the text in The New Creation to reflect this new view (I've been told this was about 1909) and this helped precipitate what's been called the New Covenant schism. Does anyone have early copies of The New Creation (prior to 1909)? I think one place to check would be page 358:
"We answer that the New Covenant has not gone into effect, so far as the world is concerned; that it will not go into effect fully and completely until the second advent of Christ; and that, as we have just seen, Israel after the flesh will be amongst the first of mankind to profit by the New Covenant."
I'd be curious if anyone has an early edition of The New Creation that reads differently here and says the New Covenant is now in effect.