This is me and my band in action, sorry its a bit dark, taken on a friend's digital camera. In case anyone cares to watch:
Video of my band...
by bluesbreaker59 7 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry Dude but I'm sure your band is good but the lighting and sound are horrible...Better luck next time...
Yeah the lighting sucks ass in that place. We're going to try and get some live songs and video up on our myspace here soon.
I think its an issue with Youtube, because when I watch it at home, the lighting is at least a lot better. Sound is roughly the same.
You sound great and very blues~~~~~
who are your favorite blues artists?
There is a movie coming out called Honeydrippers with KebMo in it and Gary Clark, Jr also Danny Glover, just thought I would pass that along, I posted a clip of Clark on my guitar thread.
I Like your sound very much
Well my favorite blues artists, would be: Freddy King, BB King, Otis Rush, Hollywood Fats, Albert Collins, Jimmie Vaughan, Nick Curran, John Lee Hooker, and Howlin Wolf. And thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it. We play primarily blues and 60's soul, then a little 50's rock, and then a couple country songs.
Locutus of Borg
Sounds good to me, Bluesbreaker! Nice groove there . .
What is that Tele you're playing? What Amp? (yeah, "m a gearhead)
Thanks, yeah that's a Tele that I built. I cloned a 1953 blackguard Telecaster, did everything to vintage spec, except the wiring, I went with modern wiring. The amp was my Victoria 35310 and I was using a Fender Reverb Unit, and may have been using my Fulldrive mosfet too, probably was. I only used the Tele the other night, kinda strange, usually I use my red 335