I told my brother a elder, if the borg told the rank and file , because of the extreme perscution we are receiving we feel it is Gods will for us too relocate too one central area. HE said know way he would go. I thought about this and what would the advantages and disadvantages? It would be a state in the south, i don,t think they could get many too go to some island, james town. The advantages , it would mean a lot less anxieties fot kids, schools. All the kids in the school would be jws. You would work for a jw. know more explaining why you do not celebrate the holidays.They might increase in numbers.If they move to state of , let say Ark. A million a so jw moving to that state , what would happen. They could take over any city. People would move out when someone is knocking on your door seven days a week. So if you do not become a jw then you move. The disadantages know one to preach too. And as time passes they take over the whole state. Then they become just as that other group,.
witnesses future
by jam 5 Replies latest jw experiences
I would suggest relocating to Utah... Then most of the nut jobs would be in one place...
I hope the governor of such state would promote some apostate education program for such a state if the Witlesses ever did try any crap like that. If everyone in that state were educated about their scam, they would likely be run out of town as no one would ever answer or they would take the litter-ature and shred it.
Not too far-fetched. As a kid my parents always taught me the importance of obeying the society and that one day we may have to leave our homes on the spot in order to escape destruction. More like the society wants to gather everyone in one place and do it quickly before anyone has a chance to think about what's going on. I honestly doubt it would happen. The JWs are simply too big to exert that kind of control on people. No suicide cults have EVER been multi-national religions (meaning having branches in several to hundreds of countries). The largest ever was Jonestown and that was 900 or so.
I vote for Utah. Maybe Losch can be elected Governor. Picture it: two western governors both from Austria: Schwarzenegger and Losch!
Yep. It's growing on me. When will they announce this?