The 1994 UN-NGOdirectory is here for you!

by Kent 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Kent

    Thanks to Hwakaw, here is the latest documents.

    1) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs front page

    2) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs first inside page

    3) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Alphabetical list cover page

    4) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Alphabetical list page 261 - shows the whole story on WTS

    5) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Short List page 320 - shows WTS name

    6) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Reps List page 324 - shows Aulicino's name

    7) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Reps List page 325 - shows Barry's name

    8) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Reps List page 333 - shows Johnson's name

    Who is Johnson?

    9) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Regional list cover page

    10) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Regional list page 23

    11) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Thematic List cover page

    12) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Thematic List subject abbrev page 1

    13) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Thematic List subject abbrev page 2

    14) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs Thematic List page 45 - note at this point the WTS main interest was Religion and not Human Rights that was on the 1999-2000 Directory. Shows they changed their main interest between 1994 and 1999

    15) 1994 DPI Directory of NGOs back cover page - shows who published it

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • ladonna


    Thankyou, Thankyou!!!


    "He to whom emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

  • dmouse

    Of course, to those of us who saw the entry in the alphabetical list of NGOs on the official UN website, this information in this form is adequate proof. However, the dyed-in-the-wool JW will simply dismiss it as apostate fabrication. It was a sad day indeed when the entry was withdrawn from the listing at the Society’s request. They acted with remarkable and uncharacteristic speed, but then it was necessary to protect their butts.

    Simply, a hard copy is required for this to have any weight with a practising JW
    What I want to know is: is this document available to purchase for the average citizen?

  • Kent


    The ScreenShot of the original UN website can be found at the Watchtower Observer. I knew it would be removed, so I did take a screenshot before it went away :))

    It's no way they can deny this - and when the Watchtower OFFICIALLY has accepted the fact - even though their "explanation" is plain stupid - there is no reasons for doubts.

    Photocopy of the WT Pressrelease about this can be found on the Watchtower Observer as well.

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:


    Alway`s on top of thing`s!Your a good man KENT.

    The Golden Rule:The people with the gold, make the rule`s!

  • hawkaw


    As a serious researcher your post just really disappointed me.

    Why did I get Kent to scan the 15 pages the way I did for the 1994 directory and the 19 pages for the 2000 Directory. Like why would I go to all the trouble.

    This directory was given to you purposely with the front cover and back cover. Why dmouse why ?????

    It shows the full title and date published. Why dmouse why????

    Why? Because you can now go to your nearest library that is an "official United Nations depository" (usually a University Library) OR a nearby NGO who is listed in the UN DPI directory at their web site and ask for a copy.

    Think about it ..... You now know what to look for and where to can get a "real" copy for yourself to show all your friends!!!!!

    This is 10 times better than an "evil" internet copy for those JWs who are partially thinking.

    I just gave you the weapons now go use them!!!

    LET'S ROLL !!!!!


  • dmouse

    No need to be disappointed Hawkaw, Along with many others I appreciate the hard work that you have put into this.

    But, I was trying to be realistic. Imagine the conversation:

    Me: ‘Did you know the Society was a registered supporter of the UN?’
    JW: ‘Apostate misinformation, the Society would never have anything to do with the UN.’
    Me: ‘Well, there is documented evidence, the Society’s name is no longer on the UN website but…
    JW: ‘Told you, nothing official, just apostate rumours.’
    Me: …but there is a record kept by the UN in book form, I can show you a copy on the web if you wish.’
    JW: Well, OK, where is it, what website is it on?
    Me: ‘Well, a site called Watchtower Observer…
    JW ‘ Watchtower Observer eh? Sounds like an apostate site to me…forget it, and don’t talk to me about this apostate lie ever again’

    To break through the cult mind-conditioning sometimes requires a metaphorical ‘slap in the face’ wake up call. We may only get one chance, and if we blow it through not knowing how the enemy prepare their recruits, then we may never get the opportunity to try again.

    It is unlikely that any practising JW would willingly go to an apostate site to verify information negative of the Society – only a neutral source , a hardcopy of the UN document, would suffice.
    It is unlikely that it will be available at any of the libraries that I have access to here in the UK (though I intend to check), which is why I was interested in BUYING a copy of my own, (perhaps last year’s edition). I just wanted to know if that is possible? It would be a good document to keep on file and would have more power than a photocopy. I think it is a good idea to have access to it at home because you never know when it would come in handy.

    However, the work you have done should not be underestimated, especially the fact that you have made us aware of the document’s existence in the first place. Also, it will have helped many on the edge of the cult to realise how hypocritical the WBTS are. Keep up the good work.

  • hawkaw


    You are forgetting NGOs in your area that are associated with the DPI also have the Directory.

    You are also forgetting the new directory is coming out for this year. They didn't have time to take the WTS's name off the list.

    You can also contact the UN's library - they will tell you where the nearest UN depository is. Go into the site indiex at and look up library's.

    hawk (Who is staring at the original 1994 Directory as we speak).

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