In your first committee meeting did you come clean or hold out as long as you could before you realized they had the goods on you?
by okiesooner1966 7 Replies latest jw friends
Our posse's creed was always....LIE TILL YOU DIE!
I was 16 at the time and I was so brainwashed at that time that I ASKED for the JCM! Noone even knew what I had done, but I felt so guilty and paranoid that I told on myself.
What a doofus I was.
I always told them the truth....I didn't go to them and offer it...they had a sister spy on me, report to them, then they held a
kangaroo courtjudicial committee.They just LOVED to hear all the juicy details......haha......sick bastards.
Yeah, as fresh 18 year old, i actually confessed, but that wasn't good enought. At the meeting, they wanted every juicy tidbit, and it was then that I started holding back - not on the "sin," but because I really didn't feel like sharing all those details. There was not need - I confessed!!! They then, at the next mtg, tried to call me on some of the details, and get me to reexplain - and then held that against me.
Never lied about my time, if I didn't do any that is what the report would contain, the hounders didn't like it but then again I didn't care what they liked. they always said didn't you talk with someone, haven't you mentioned the Bible in a discussion, something? I told them no nope didn't do a thing thanks. They then said I should think of something or I would be counted as irregular, and I told them, I don't care count me as irregular, and by the way can you show me the scriptural evidence that the early christians, apostles, or even Jesus counted time???? Of course they couldn't. So I would just say well thats it have a good day and nice to see you. The morons.
Well, I was single and had a noticeable baby bump so it would've been stupid to lie....
I told the truth because of fear of lying to Jehovah. Like He didn't already know----I could've lied--but then I might still be trapped there.
Hey!!!!! The TRUTH really does set your FREE!!!!!!