I was just wondering if anyone is watching the Dr. Phil Get Real challenge that will be running all season, on Tuesdays on Oprah.
I'm curious if anyone wants to kind of 'buddy up' in a small group and follow the program and writing exercises (there is an online workbook)
Please let me know if you're interested. I'm emphasizing "small" for the sake of really being able to interact and not letting it get out of control. (my health limitations and all)
I'm looking for 5 people who want to doing this. If I get more than five people then maybe the group could be expanded to eight or ten. (I think an even number would be good)
This is for people who are serious only. It would not be for entertainment.
Let me know if you want to do this. Even if I only get one response I'd be happy to have an e mail buddy specifically to talk about this with.