I have tried all of these.
They are truly INVIGORATING, but distressing too.
Apparently plunging your feet into ice water has the same effect as a cold bath.
I read that it boosts your circulation and immune system.
Any medics care to comment?
by hamsterbait 7 Replies latest jw friends
I have tried all of these.
They are truly INVIGORATING, but distressing too.
Apparently plunging your feet into ice water has the same effect as a cold bath.
I read that it boosts your circulation and immune system.
Any medics care to comment?
If you are really interested in an EYE OPENER.... google "cold sheet treatment". Hyperthermia used to be standard treatment in the insane asylums.
It starts out you do a napalm enema by using garlic and apple cider vinegar. Then you get in a hot bath with cayenne pepper, mustard and ginger (oh yeah, don't forget to vaseline your sensitive parts) then you drink hot herbal tea while in the bath for about 20 minutes.
Then when you get out of bath you wrap in wet sheets that have been soaking in ice water.
It's quite an ordeal. Read about it.
Hydrotherapy is also touted as beneficial and healthful. But this requires using BOTH hot and cold alternately during the bath or shower.
Benefit? Have you guys heard of shrinkage?? George Costanza would be proud. Save showering in cold water for solo appearances only perhaps?
It has been said that alternating between hot and cold in the shower releases the same endorphins that getting a massage does.
I love to end all of my showers with a cold rinse.
Also, when I get migranes, doing the hot and cold shower several times over is completely relaxing and helps stave off some of the pain.