Shocking info I am adding to announce my dissasociation to fellow jdubs
by What-A-Coincidence 7 Replies latest jw friends
Good post I have added to my favourites. Thw wtbts is guilty of unbelievable hubris. I honestly believe that this will lead to great damage being caused to them, Their attitude towards abusers is unbelievable. The suffering of the victims is magnified along no dougt with their anger.
The public organizationsround here have rigorous procedures to identify abusers and help victims. They the wtbts on the other hand only identify the abusers and protect them
Thanks for the post
Nice going WAC, and congratulations for your duel with the JW.
Good luck with it
Enjoying freedom
The DPI said they are going to "disassociate" the WTBTS - does that mean that members of the DPI are now no longer able to socialise with or talk to members of the WTBTS?
Is the DPI SHUNNING the WTBTS??!!!
The thought just made me giggle - the WTBTS getting a taste of their own medicine!!!
Way to go. Going out with a bang is the way to do it.
nice info
James Free
Good Post
P.S. - You read/watch Fox News? They play with reality as much as the WT, haha