"The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction." (Revelation 17:8a)
Are you all aware that the wild beast must have been in the abyss twice?
In Light II (1930), J.F. Rutherford explained:
"This “beast” is the satanic organization made up of the ruling classes of the nations of “Christendom’’, particularly having for its
claim and purpose the prevention of war. It came into existence in 1899 and functioned until the World War. It then went into the abyss and ceased to function. After the World War it came out of the abyss
or pit and began to function again in the form of the
League of Nations. The World Court and the League of Nations are one and the same organisation." (p. 94f.)
In 1942, N.H. Knorr moved that to World War II and explained the Beast to be the League of Nations coming out of the abyss as the United Nations.
So, the Beast must have been in there twice.
But can anybody tell me where I find this in the book of Revelation ;-)