Whad'ya know?

by mrsjones5 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I listen to this show on public radio almost every Saturday. Last show they had a guest who had lived for eight month biblically and wrote a book about it:

    :09 - Michael welcomes A.J. Jacobs, author of "The Year of Living Biblically". Mr. Jacobs spent eight months living by the rules of the Old Testament, and four months by the New. He had a very good beard by the end of the experiment. More than this, he has gone from an agnostic to a "reverent agnostic", capable of out-"bible-talking" a Jehovah's Witness. Michael admits that the story of Job irritates him.

    That jw part tickled me to death. Here's the link where the audio file for the part is if anyone wants to listen to it: http://www.notmuch.com/Show/


  • Hortensia


  • Jankyn

    I recently read that book. The encounter with the JW had some funny moments, but I also got a bit irritated at Jacobs' willingness to take what the JW said at face value and the fact that he didn't look into it any further.

    Of course, he was trying to write a funny book. Oh, well.

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